Unit 1: Form and

Folk Songs

Form is the way that parts, or sections, of a song or piece of music are put together. If you were asked to draw circles, squares and triangles on paper, you'd have to decide on the order, or pattern, of those shapes.

In music, we use sections like verses and refrains instead of using shapes. A song can have several verses (with different sets of words), but usually only one refrain that gets repeated throughout the song, like "Lone Star Trail" and "El Coqui" from second grade.

This year, we will learn a patriotic folk song called, "This Land Is Your Land".

This Land Is Your Land Pres. 2018

Our next song is a Spanish folk song, "La Pulga de San Jose". We are learning it in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, which is celebrated from September 15th through October 15th. The song tells of a flea market where musical instruments are sold.

Pulga de San Jose- Pres..ppt

This YouTube link of "La Pulga de San Jose" includes a few other verses in Spanish. See if you can figure out what the other instruments are!

Here is a recording of "La Pulga" to play along with the drums!