Why Rent?

Renting an instrument (vs. buying) has a few advantages:

1. Your child can try the instrument for a year to determine if he/she enjoys playing it. Quality instruments retail for hundreds of dollars, but you can save on that investment during the rental period.

2. Rental fees paid can be applied to the purchase of the instrument if your child enjoys playing and wants to continue after the first year. Contact your vendor to find out more information.

3. String instruments (Violin, Viola, Cello) are sized to fit smaller hands. Renting allows you to "trade up" to the next larger size instrument as your child grows. Additionally, while purchasing an adult-sized instrument may seem more cost effective, if the instrument is too big, your child will be unable to use it. (Most 4th graders will start playing on a 1/2 or 3/4 size instrument.)

4. Reliability. Instruments provided by the approved vendors are guaranteed to meet the requirements set out by the district's music teachers. Instruments ordered from the internet or big box stores often come with no such guarantee and are unable to be repaired if the instrument becomes damaged. Edison vendors will repair the instruments they provide and visit each school weekly to save you, the parent, trips to the repair shop.

Vendor information & rental contracts are provided by the district FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. You are under no obligation to use them. If you have misplaced your copy of the rental contracts and wish to request a replacement, please email me directly at maria.ford@edison.k12.nj.us. Additional copies may also be available in the main office of the school.

If you decide to purchase an instrument rather than rent, please be certain to purchase all the additional supplies required for lessons. Buyer Beware: Please be cautious and do your research before you purchase an instrument. Big box stores and online retailers do not specialize in musical instruments. Unless you are buying from a reputable music store, there is no guarantee that the instrument will be of good quality. They may LOOK like the instrument, but they often are not playable. This can contribute to your child having a frustrating instrumental experience. Please set them up for success and purchase an instrument that will last them through the years!

Vendor contact information can be found on the Repairs page

Please click on the Supply List page to determine what additional supplies you will need to purchase.