Band/String FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

When do lessons start and can I still sign up?

Are there requirements to be in the Band/Strings program?

Which instruments can I play in the Strings program?

Violin, Viola or Cello.

Which instruments can I play in the Band Program?

Flue, Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone, Alto Saxophone,  or Percussion (includes bells and drum pad).

What will be included in the cost of the rental?

​         We also suggest your purchase a music stand (not required)

Clarinets and Saxophones will also get two size 2.5 reeds if they rent from Elefante or The Music Shop

All Clarinet and Sax players will need an additional 5 reeds so it might be best to buy a box of size 25 Rico Reeds

Trumpets will also get valve oil

Trombones will also get slide oil

Violin/VIolas will also get a shoulder rest and rosin

Cellos will also get a rock stop and rosin 

If I use another vendor or own my own instrument how do I get a book?

You will need to purchase the lesson book on your own. The title is Essential Elements 2000 Book 1 (for your specific instrument i.e Flute, Violin, Trumpet etc) If you sign up for percussion you'll need the Combined Percussion Book. These can be purchased at any local music store or online on sites such as 

Is it possible to play Piano or Guitar in band or Orchestra?

Generally, the answer is no. These instruments are not typical band or orchestra instruments. There isn't anything wrong with choosing to play a guitar or piano. They can be extremely rewarding. They just don’t fit into the elementary band and orchestra experience.

How should I pick my instrument for band?

Let your child pick the instrument they have their heart set on playing. Forcing a child to play an instrument you want them to play often yeilds poor results and a poor experience for the child.

Should we buy a new instrument, a used instrument or rent one?

It is a good idea for a beginning student to rent an instrument, especially if they don't know yet whether they will stick with it after the first year. The Edison School District endorses Elefante Music and The Music Shop for instrument rentals.   If you are thinking about buying an instrument or using another vendor contact Mr. Zapata first and he may be able to provide you with help in doing so.

Do we have to rent from Elefante or The Music Shop?

No. You can rent an instrument from wherever you like. There are several other local music vendors that provide instrument rentals in our area.

What do you mean Orchestra Instruments come in different sizes? 

Unlike band instruments, violin, viola and cello all come in different sizes to fit the exact size of your child. There is a sizing video on the Elefante Rental site and also a sizing chart on The Music Shop site. Also this  is  why buying an instrument right now is not the best idea. As your child grows they will need a different size instrument. If you use one of the recommended rental companies they will exchange the instrument for a new size as your child needs.

I found a great deal for an instrument on the internet. Is this a good idea?

Sometimes a good thing is really too good to be true. Purchasing instruments from the internet can be tricky since you cannot see the instrument before you spend money on it. In this instance you may want to contact Mr. Borselli to ask for instrument brand recommendations. You can also find some very cheaply priced instruments in large chain stores. These also can be problematic. The best option would be to reach out to use for advice. 

I think the saxophone is too big or too expensive for my child. Is there an alternative to choosing the sax?

Yes. The clarinet is very similar to the saxophone. The fingerings are similar and the clarinet and saxophone are both single reed instruments. The clarinet is also much smaller than the saxophone which may work better for a smaller student. However, before you make a decision not to play the saxophone be sure to check with Mr. Zapata. Quite often parents thinks their children are too small for the saxophone when the are actually just right for it.

Should we start with Alto or Tenor Saxophone?

We usually recommend starting with the Alto. The Tenor is quite large and often far too large for elementary school students. However, if your child is taller they may be right for the Tenor. In that case, check with Mr. Zapata first before making a decision.

What is the difference between Trumpet and Cornet?

There really isn't much difference for the beginner. The trumpet has a slightly brighter tone and is a bit longer. Either would work fine for the beginning brass player.

We have a Drum Set at home. Can my child learn Drum Set in school?

We do not get to spend a lot of time playing drum set in elementary school though there is some exposure to it. All percussion students are required to rent or purchase a Percussion Kit containing both a bell set and a snare drum or drum pad.

Which instrument is easiest to learn?

Each student is different and each may find different successes or difficulties with any instrument. However instruments like the French Horn and Oboe tend to be much more difficult for the young player due to instrument specific challenges

Can my son play flute or violin and  can my daughter play trombone or cello?

Boys and girls can play any instrument their heart desires. There are no restrictions because of gender.

What are the benefits of playing an instrument? 

While many will say that students should be exposed to the arts for the benefit of raising test scores, the real benefits of arts education are seen in the outlet for expression. Whether you are an artist, a musician, an actor, or just an appreciator or consumer of the arts, each discipline provides the participant a forum for appropriate and meaningful emotional expression. The ability to create, communicate, and interact with other members of society is a basic need of every person, and a vital component for growth in a child’s world. Please visit one of these websites for even more research on this subject: 

How often should my beginner child be practicing at home a week?

Band and Orchestra homework MUST be completed just the same as all other classes. We ask that your child spends 4 days a week for 15 minuets each session minimum on their band/orchestra assignments.

Can I also get my child private music lessons outside of school along with in school lessons?

Yes. We strongly encourage our students to seek private one-on-one instruction on their instrument outside of school. While your child will have an extremely powerful instrumental experience during the school day, there is nothing better than a one-on-one lesson with a qualified teacher. Please contact either Mr. Zapata for more information on local private teachers.To edit, simply click directly on the text and add your own words. Use this text to go into more detail about your company. Make sure to include information about how your company came to be.