Instructional Supports

General Classroom Accommodations

GENERAL CLASSROOM ACCOMMODATIONS to enhance successful interactive instructional activities are:

  • Repeat directions. Students who have difficulty following directions are often helped by asking them to repeat the directions in their own words.

  • Maintain daily routines. Many students with learning problems need the structure of daily routines to know and do what is expected.

  • Provide students with a graphic organizer. An outline, chart, or blank web can be given to students to fill in during presentations. This helps students listen for key information and see the relationships among concepts and related information.

  • Use step-by-step instruction. New or difficult information can be presented in small sequential steps. This helps learners with limited prior knowledge who need explicit or part-to-whole instruction.

  • Simultaneously combine verbal and visual information.

  • Use balanced presentations and activities. An effort should be made to balance oral presentations with visual information and participatory activities. There should be a balance between the large group, small group, and individual activities.

  • Emphasize daily review. Daily review of previous learning or lessons can help students connect new information with prior knowledge. (National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities, 2021)