Captain Practices

Captain Practices

District Facility Rental Procedure - Captain’s Practices

From the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) Handbook:

Participation in Captain’s Practice:

Captain’s Practice is primarily for the purpose of physical conditioning organized and conducted by the students. Students may participate in Captains’ Practice provided that salaried or non-salaried school personnel are not involved in any capacity. It is the responsibility of school officials to become aware of the preseason activities in their school district and to insure that the spirit and intent of the League rules are observed.

Captains’ practices are not and cannot be district sponsored.  Community Education, in managing facilities scheduling is following Edina Public School district facility policy 902. MSHSL By-laws suggests the following as it pertains to renting district facilities for Captains’ Practice:

Questions: Please contact Thomas Gatyas, District Facilities scheduler at: