Assignment 1st-2nd

Please send photos of completed artwork via parents email to Mrs. deLuca at

My Gratitude Jar

Assignment: (Duration: 3 art classes-approx. 90/120 min

Due on the week of April 27th-May 1st (on the day you have art)

  • CLASS #1-watch link below (read story). On a white piece of paper list numbers 1-10. Next to each number write one thing you are grateful for (ex: My brother, a sunny day, by bike...) You can make your text colorful or design it as you wish. You can also do more than 10 if you want. Save that paper!
  • CLASS #2- Get ready to create a gratitude jar. Find a mason jar, plastic container...anything will do (even a paper or zip lock bag.) On a separate piece of paper Title it My Gratitude Jar, color it in, and cut out the text. Glue, tape or staple it to your 'gratitude jar.' Design jar anyway you want-sequins, paint, markers...
  • CLASS #3- Cut out the gratitude list you created in week one. In the end you should have a least 10 pieces. Place them in your gratitude jar.
  • During this difficult time hopefully this brings your family some joy! Share with your loved ones and keep adding to it.