Welcome to Edgefield Primary School

Welcome Message by Mr Michel Saw , Principal

School Corporate Video

Virtual Tour

Edgefield Radio Station

The slogan says it all: "Edgefield Radio - Good Times, All the Time". Our radio station provides a platform for listeners to tune in from anywhere in the world. What makes us unique is that this station is run entirely by students for students. Click here to access the online radio station.





Chinese Language

Malay Language

Tamil Language

Physical Education

Character and Citizenship Education

Aesthetics & PAL

Home-Based Learning

Virtual Heritage Gallery

Our Signature Programmes


Little Reporter

Stepping Stones

Learning for Life Programmes

Read our latest students' publication online.

Applied Learning Programme : Environmental Science and Sustainability

Countries across the world are battling the worsening impacts of climate change, water scarcity and pollution. As a densely populated city state, Singapore, from its early days, has had to grapple with the challenges of balancing economic development with preserving a clean, green and liveable environment. Pragmatic policymaking based on sound economic principles and science, a focus on long-term planning, and the ability to mobilise popular support have been crucial in Singapore’s sustainability journey. Such an approach is no less relevant today as we tackle pressing environmental challenges such as climate change and pollution.

Our STEM-based Applied Learning Programme (ALP), “Environmental Science and Sustainability”, seeks to nurture and develop pupils who will care deeply about the future of our planet. Pupils will gain valuable knowledge and skills to contribute to a more sustainable future. Click here to read more.

Useful links

Fun Scientist Programme

The Fun Scientist Programme (FSP) @ Edgefield was started by a group of passionate Science Educators who desire to put fun learning into Science. The FSP offers a highly experiential and enquiry-based approach to the learning of Science concepts. Click here to know more about our programme.

Makerspace Programme

The Makerspace Programme@Edgefield (MS@E) aims to inculcate the love for STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics. We aspire to bring emerging technologies and resources for pupils to learn & play purposefully. Click here to read more about our programme.

School Safety and Security

School Safety and student well-being are very important to us. Click here to find out more about the school's safe management measures as well as the school's overall safety and security infrastructure.

Primary 1 Online Transition Programme for 2021 P1 students and Parents

The transition from kindergarten to primary school is a huge milestone for both children and their parents. Beyond just registering and preparing their children for primary school, parents are also active partners in the years of formal education that lie ahead. Therefore, their support and involvement are crucial factors that influence the children’s ability and confidence to cope with the changes that occur during the transition period. {continue reading here}.

Open House 2019 Photo Gallery

The school held a very successful Open House last year. More than 500 parents and their children attended the half-day event. Visitors were immersed in a vibrant environment of learning and playing. The school also showcased our innovative programmes such as our Makerspace and the radio programmes.