What is the Battle of the Books?

The Battle of the Books is a reading competition designed to improve reading comprehension and build reading enthusiasm using a fun and unique competitive format.

Teams of 4-5 members each compete to demonstrate their knowledge of 10 pre-selected books from the current South Carolina Junior Book Awards List.

Teams compete until there is one winning team per grade level and then those teams compete to find a school winning team. The school winners will go on to compete in the district battle!

How does it work?

Each battle consists of 20 questions. After the question is read, the team will have 20 seconds to discuss and determine the answer. One team member will be the designated spokesperson and will respond with an answer for the team.

The answer to each question is the title and author of one of the books from the reading list. Two (2) points will be awarded for the correct book title and one (1) bonus point will be awarded for the author's last name. If the team answers incorrectly, the opposing team will have 10 seconds to discuss and answer. A steal is worth a total of two (2) points.

Sample question: In which book does a character find a lamppost in the middle of a forest?

Answer: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis

Who can be on my team?

Students can choose their own teams of
3-5 members. When choosing your team, I highly recommend you look for teammates that will help you read the books! This way, you do not all have to read all ten books. You can split up the reading list however you like. The more you read, the better you'll do in the battles!

A list of the members of your team will be due to Ms. Taylor by the end of September!


Don't see the answer to your question? No worries!
Send Ms. Taylor and email or drop by the library and ask!

Middle School

Address: 430 Murrah Rd.
North Augusta, SC 29860

Phone: 803-279-2511

Fax: 803-279-1710