Year 9 & 10 Physical Education

IMPORTANT NOTE:  From 2022, the PE electives are an additional PE class to the General PE.  All students will do General PE as their Core PE unit.  

Femme Fit

In Femme Fit students will participate in a variety of strength and cardio based fitness lessons. There is an emphasis on developing realistic and personal goals to enable the students to make healthy lifestyle choices. The class is designed for female students who are interested in improving their health and fitness levels in a positive and encouraging environment with others of a similar level of fitness. Activities include Mt Taylor walks, Fitness Testing, Boxing, Weight Training with a focus on developing correct technique and confidence. This is a school based fitness class.

Unit Repeatable:

Females only; Must have signed HPE local area permission note prior to the beginning of the term

Subject contributions: $10

No additional

Fit for Life

This class allows students to learn to use a variety of aerobic and strength training equipment. Fitness activities are undertaken at school which will include fitness testing, Mt. Taylor walks, and games for fitness. The course is supplemented with specific theory lessons on the components of fitness and health education. 

Unit Repeatable:

Males only. Must have signed HPE local area permission note prior to the beginning of the term

Subject contributions: $10

No additional

Football Academy

The Melrose High School Football Academy will provide students with a year-round training program, a goal put forward in FFA’s 2020 XI Principles for the Future of Australian Football – “Principle V - More football, more often”. Students will undertake a variety of field, strength and conditioning sessions, as well as theory lessons throughout the unit.

Students will have the opportunity to develop their football skills and tactical knowledge, while simultaneously learning about how biomechanics, physiology, nutrition and psychology can affect sports performance

Unit Repeatable: Yes 

Restrictions: None

Subject contributions: $10

Excursions: Yes

Outdoor Education 

Outdoor Education provides students with the opportunity to participate in a range of targeted outdoor experiences and activities over the course of the semester. During their studies, students will be engaging with rope skills and climbing techniques and enhancing their skills in rock climbing (top rope), abseiling, belaying and bouldering, as well as having the opportunity to engage in other key outdoor skills at school. There will be a number of excursions conducted as a core part of this unit's assessment and participants must be aware that these are mandatory to attend (with exceptions for extenuating circumstances). These excursions will take place both within and outside of the ACT and offer students an opportunity to take practical skills and apply them in real, authentic outdoor contexts. 

School based activities will include camp preparation, skill development, related theory and group preparation for the mandatory excursions. As part of their skills development, students will also have the opportunity to attend the Melrose climbing wall and external climbing gyms (Canberra Indoor Rock Climbing and BlocHaus) on a regular basis. It is expected that students selecting this unit will show initiative, self-reliance and fully participate in the preparation and planning of the activities and conduct themselves appropriately at all times during theoretical and practical studies and excursions. 

Unit Repeatable: No

Restrictions: Year 10 only (limited spaces)

Cost: TBC

Excursions: Yes