Being Cyber Smart at Home

The way we use technology has changed dramatically over the last decade. We are now more connected and devices are more portable and because of this, new dangers that we hadn’t needed to consider in the past are now requiring attention. Luckily, government and private enterprises have been quick to recognise the dangers in the online world and a range of educational resources aimed at families are available.

SCARFF Online - Digital Citizenship @ Turner.pdf

Top Tips

  • Set boundaries for technology use at home and create your home tech agreement

  • Talk to your child or young person about their online experiences both good and bad.

  • Encourage your child or young person to treat others online the same way they would in real life. 'Respectful Chat, I Can Do That'

  • Encourage your child or young person to be careful about giving out personal details on the online.

  • Talk to your child or young person about dealing with disturbing material.

  • Speak to your child or young person about what to do if something happens online that makes them uncomfortable or at risk.

Parents Portal - ThinkUKnow


ThinkUKnow is evidence-based; drawing on academic research, technological advances, and real police investigations, providing real-life examples and up-to-date trends and issues.

ACT Education eSafety


The ACT Education Directorate has brought together a range of resources to support schools in delivering an enriching digital program aimed to educate our students about online safety. Resources have been collated from our partnerships with the Office of the eSafety Commissioner, AFP and Google Education, as well as from a range of other eSafety providers, offering schools with a variety of age-appropriate resources to draw on within the wider curriculum.

Kids - eSafety


The eSafety website provides advice, support and help around making safe choices online. The website provides information on topics such as cyberbullying, sharing information online, what to watch out for online and much more!

Explore the different links and learn how to be a responsible digital citizen

Parents - eSafety


The website provides information for parents and carers on key online safety issues for young people and includes a range of practical tips and advice on what to do if things go wrong.

The website provides advice on issues facing young people online and how you can discuss and provide a safe online platform for your child.

Key links include:
  • Cyberbullying
  • Online Safety basics
  • Acting responsibly online
  • Hard to have conversations
  • Help for children under the age of 5

Be Internet Awesome


Be Internet Awesome is a multifaceted program that includes a fun and free web-based game called Interland and an educational curriculum to teach kids how to be safe and responsible explorers of the online world.