Wellbeing & Support

Student Services

Your teachers and the Student Services team are here to support you during this phase of online learning.

Please email the student services team if you have any question, concerns or would like some further support. We can give you a call if you would like to talk.

Send an email to LakeGStudentServices@ed.act.edu.au if you would like Graeme Budd (Head of Student Services) or one of the Year Coordinators to touch base or assist you to access any further support. You can request who you would like to speak with.

Our counsellor, Suzanne Wright, can also be contacted via email on suzanne.wright@ed.act.edu.au .

Youth Worker

Ollie DaRoza is available for contact to offer support and a community to engage in.

Ollie can be contacted by email oliver.daroza@ed.act.edu.au and has set up a Lake G Youth Google Classroom for any students interested in joining.

Click the buttong below to join the Lake G Youth Google Classroom.

Support Group (SG)

SG will run as normal each Monday at 11:40am via Google Meet. The link to this meet can be found in your new SG Google Classroom. Please ensure you have accepted the invitation to this class.

Year 11 + 12 Google Classroom Pages

We will use year group Google Classroom pages to post information to support student health and wellbeing. These pages will be updated regularly so check at least weekly . This page includes attachments with tips for keeping well and a range of supports that are available to assist students.

Make sure you join your year group Google Classroom if you haven’t already by accepting the invitation sent to you through Google Classroom.

Please review the list of resources collated by the Student Services Team