Student Community Group

Newsletter Week 5


Advocate, Community, Together

The student voice of the UC SSC Lake Ginninderra Community.

Students Reflect on their Experiences with Online Learning

Jazmyn Michie- Yr 12

Having the opportunity to practice online learning in the past months has allowed me to develop a range of skills I otherwise would not have had the chance to. This includes educational skills such as appropriate time management, the use of google meets and a number of online tools, but also life skills I was forced to pick up in order to maintain my overall wellbeing. Having to forgo my usual commitments (although unfortunate) allowed me more time to focus on what I wanted to be doing with my days and (whilst reluctant at first) I began to see the benefits of slowing down. I was able to take time in the mornings to wake up mentally and physically (instead of my usual sprint to the bus stop) and try new things (like attempting to rollerblade with my sisters in the afternoons). However tough and stressful life during quarantine was at times, I am grateful for the perspective it gave me going back into everyday life and hope it has shown others the benefits of taking time for themselves.

Dylan Barreto Carballo- Yr 11

My experience with online learning was conflicting. It's obviously down to us (the students) to get all our work done but there's no real sense of urgency being at home. Then again it's down to us to create that. Also getting help from a teacher can be frustrating online, it's nobody's fault, it just is what it is. Overall it was OK, but not something I’m keen on doing again especially when it is assessed. Perhaps if it was longer I would have forced myself to adapt but we're back now and I think the majority are happy that way. :)

Justice Georgopoulos- Yr 12

I personally found it difficult to motivate myself during online learning, and I'm having difficulty adjusting to being back in the classroom as well. Online learning felt like significantly more work then what we are expected to do in class and I found it difficult to focus on multiple tasks, especially assessment items. I think the college did do very well overall transitioning to online learning however different subjects did translate much better online, maths seemed very easy online and I found it easy to get through the weeks work in a single session, drama, however, was very difficult, and for history, I found the lack of access to library books very frustrating

If students are interested, the Education Directorate would like these responses to be shared here: Moments in Time

Further information on the project can he found here: Information Page

Lake G Suggestion Box

Let us know if you have any suggestions on how to improve Lake G

Sleeping Tips

Now that we are back at school, our sleeping patterns may be disrupted. It's important that you're looking after yourself during this busy period coming up to the end of the term.

  • Stick to a sleeping schedule to ensure you meet the recommended amount of 8-10 hours! For example, go to bed at 10 pm and wake at 6 or 7 am.

  • Have a 30-minute sleep prep routine including, for example, dimming lights, engaging in an activity off the screen such as reading, drawing, meditation or breathing exercises.

  • Exercise frequently and avoid unhealthy eating, large meals or consumption of alcohol before sleeping.

  • If you can’t sleep do a relaxing activity OFF THE SCREEN!

Remember to be sustainable!

During this period of COVID-19 restrictions, most restaurants and cafes allow takeaway options only, increasing the amount of waste upon purchase. If permitted by the venue, bringing your own keep cup and Tupperware containers will make a difference to the amount of waste in our bins. If venues are not allowing personal containers for hygiene reasons, avoid take away and use reusable bags when grocery shopping, whilst avoiding excessively wrapped items.

At Lake G we have a three-bin system, which is outlined below. When disposing of items, ensure the use of correct bins. The colour of our bins match up to the bins we have in the wider community.

We also have a soft plastics bin at the front of the school and a 10c bottle recycling bin to raise funds that will go towards the Year 12 Formal.

You can also contribute to this at home by taking your 10c refundable containers to Return It drop off locations and using the school's phone number: 0261420222

This will add your contribution to the school's account. For more information, visit the CDS page.

Remember the acronym ARRR:

  • AVOID: Say no to single use plastic such as cutlery, straws or bags.

  • REDUCE: Avoid over-packaged items and choose loose fruit and vegetables. Look for sustainable packaging options and those made using recycled materials.

  • REUSE: Take your reusable bags with you and reuse containers where possible.

  • RECYCLE: Place all empty and dry recyclable containers and packaging in the recycling bin. Recycle soft plastics at drop-off points at major supermarkets.

(ACT Government, 2019)

Focus - Student Art


  1. Alicia Jenkins (left)

  2. Grace Tate (right)


  1. Zoie Zhang (left)

  2. Jules Webster (right)


  1. Max Van den Boorgaard (left)

  2. Imogen Steel (right)

Left to right:

Row 1 - Emily Abramovic, Southerly Jones, Tepi Bell

Row 2 - Maddy Wells, Gemma Harris, Tenielle Corbin

Row 3 - Erin Bryant, Tenielle Corbin


Planning & Development of ideas: Student Community Group