Staying motivated

Understanding procrastination

Studying seems like a simple thing however when you actually sit down to study it can be really hard to make sure that you are staying on task and not get distracted by technology, games or friends.

So how then do you study?

Starting is usually the hardest part. It is important to remember that when you are studying you need to be focused on the task at hand setting up for your study and organising your space might be all you need to get going.

However, a lot of students get distracted and procrastinate!

Why do we procrastinate?

WHY do we PROCRASTINATE?! (explained with LEGO)| Science of Study BONUS VIDEO

By Maddie Moate

In this video I look at the reasons WHY we PROCRASTINATE even when we know we shouldn't! and use two of my favourite LEGO characters to you do.

How to stop procrastinating

How to Stop Procrastinating | Science of Study #2 | Maddie Moate

By Maddie Moate

In the 2nd 'Science of Study' video we look at some more study tips (as proven by science) that REALLY will help you STOP procrastinating!

If you would like to know more about procrastination, why we do it and what you can do to change these habits, check out the Government of Western Australia's site Center for Clinical Interventions . The have a series of 6 modules that can help you find out more.

Exercise and Study

Exercise: Crash Course Study Skills #10

By Crash Course

We’re finally to the end of our time together here on Crash Course Study Skills, so this week we’re taking a more holistic approach to being the best learner you can. Part of taking care of your brain is taking care of your whole body, of which your brain is a part. We’re wrapping up this course by outlining some good tips and tricks for maintaining a healthy body, and why it’s such an important part of being a great student.

Making yourself study

How to Make Yourself Study When You Have ZERO Motivation

By Thomas Frank

How do you get yourself to stop procrastinating when you have absolutely no motivation to do your work?

Simple: Hire an ex-Marine drill sergeant to stand behind you and yell directly into your ears at all times.

If you can't afford an ex-Marine drill sergeant, though, the four practices outlined in this video should help.

Setting Breaks

10 MUST-TRY Study Break Ideas To Boost Productivity! | Study With Jess

By Study With Jess

I hope you all enjoy these study break ideas! Try these out during your next study break and see how they can help boost your productivity and study more effectively!

Effective Study Breaks-How to study effectively

By MooMooMath and Science

Taking study breaks can be as important as the actual time you study. Learn how to make your study breaks fun and very effective.

Learn to maximise your study breaks.

In today's study challenge you will maximise your study break by timing your study time and using mini goals in order to help you focus.

Many people use the Pomodoro technique when studying. This study method encourages you to set a timer for 25 minutes, and then study until the alarm sounds. Next, take a break and then repeat until your homework is complete.

This allows you to focus during your study time and helps you maximise your study time.