Getting started: Note Taking

Selecting Information - Notetaking

  • Set out your notes clearly. Arrange your notes under headings - this will save you time when you come to write your draft. These headings should correspond to your main points (paragraphs).

  • Be selective in taking notes. Make notes which are relevant to your topic and make sure that names, dates and technical terms are accurately recorded.

  • Avoid copying word for word from books unless there is a short passage you intend to use as a quote. Record only what is relevant to the question you are trying to answer. Putting the information in your own words helps clarify your ideas and helps you learn your subject better.

  • Use abbreviations and skip unnecessary words when note-taking.

  • Always record the full bibliographical details (author, title, etc. - see bibliography handout). This will save you time if you need to re-read passages and it is essential for the bibliography of your work.

Organising Information - Starting Writing

  • Read through your notes and list the main ideas in them.

  • Sort your notes into groups under these main ideas.

  • Organise these groups into logical order and make a rough plan.

  • Use only material relevant to the main ideas you are developing.

  • Write a draft copy of your essay and get someone else to read it. Check the spelling.