Academic and Career Planning


Xello is our new Academic and Career Planning tool! All students will have an account!

Click here to sync up your school google account and get access to Xello.

Student Career Info Tool

Find, explore and learn about Careers. Information for students, teachers and parents.

Laude System

Evansville High School will recognize graduating seniors through the Laude System. The Laude System acknowledges student achievement through a combination of student cumulative grade point average and the number of honor class points completed in their high school career. The cumulative grade point average and honor points mathematically create an overall Laude Score. Possible laude distinctions include Cum Laude (meaning “with honors”), Magna Cum Laude (“with great honor”), or Summa Cum Laude (“with highest honor”).
Minimum qualifications for Cum Laude recognition at graduation are a 3.4 cumulative grade point average and a Laude score of 17 as calculated at the end of the 7th semester. Cum Laude (white honors cord) designation requires a Laude score of 17 – 31.99; Magna Cum Laude (silver honors cord) 32 – 49.99; Summa Cum Laude (gold honors cord) 50 and more. Students will receive honor points for each course listed below when the course is completed with a minimum grade of ‘C’.
Transfer students will receive honors points toward the Laude System for Advanced Placement courses completed with a minimum grade of ‘C’. Transfer students may request that equivalent honors courses they completed at other districts be evaluated by the principal for Laude point eligibility and award. Any disagreements are subject to the standard appeal process through the chain of command up to the Board of Education.
Administration will review Laude-eligible courses annually and revise as necessary. Changes will go into effect the academic year immediately following the change. An up-to-date list of Laude-eligible courses will be posted on the EHS website and in the student handbook.

For a complete list of Laude Courses and the Chart to figure out your Laude Rank click here.

Timeline: Suggestions for students and their families to help with college and career preparation.


  • Attend an individual planning conference with your parents and school counselor to discuss your talents and strengths, goals, four year plan, extra-curricular activities, standardized tests, requirements for graduation and college admissions, and Career Cruising.

  • Challenge yourself by taking rigorous courses. This way, you will be better prepared to take the ACT and/or SAT, and be competitive for college admission.

  • Join clubs and activities. Take on a leadership role, if possible.

  • Talk about saving money for college with your parents.

  • Keep a list of all activities in which you participate--including community service opportunities and leadership positions. Maintain the list throughout high school.

  • Volunteer.

  • Look into summer programs.

  • Consider a job shadow and explore career interests.

  • Login to your Career Cruising account. Discover what careers match your interests by taking various assessments, and start building your electronic portfolio.


  • Attend an Junior Group Planning Conference with your parents and school counselor to discuss your talents and goals, careers, college admissions, financial aid, standardized tests, and Career Cruising.

  • Take the PSAT/NMSQT in October. This is a practice SAT and the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test.

  • Prepare for the ACT.

  • Take the ACT and/or SAT in the spring.

  • Visit colleges and meet with college representatives when they visit EHS.

  • Continue job shadowing and volunteering.

  • Explore colleges and occupations on Career Cruising.


  • Visit colleges in the summer.

  • Apply for colleges early in the fall.

  • Request letters of recommendation if needed and remember to allow teachers at least two weeks to complete the letter.

  • Prepare your personal statement and ask a teacher or counselor to proof read it.

  • Begin searching for scholarships and check the Scholarship Box in the Guidance office regularly.

  • Attend Financial Aid Night in January with your parents.

  • Submit your FAFSA as soon as possible after January 1. Males who are 18 years of age or older must register for the Selective Service in order to receive federal financial aid.

  • Apply for local scholarships in March.

  • Keep copies of all college and scholarship applications that you send.

ACT Prep Classes

Winter 2022 Wisconsin Test Prep: Click Here to Register!

Doorway to College ZAPS Test Prep: Click Here to Register!

ACT Academy: Click Here to Create an Account!

ACT Test Prep: Click Here for Test Prep Resources through !