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Why is English important?

It is my belief and experience that reading is the foundation for all education. The ability to read can be found and elicited in every student. The level of proficiency in reading is based on the amount of time and effort a student contributes to reading. Those who devote and spend hours practicing their reading, vocabulary and comprehension skills and become excellent readers will excel in every other portion of their lives, as reading is essential to good writing and even formulating and solving mathematical problems. Students can also keep their level of reading proficient by developing a love of independent reading. This year reading and writing have been separated. However, reading is still critical for good writers. We will be using reading examples as "mentor texts" to improve our writing and grammar.

Excellent readers tend toward becoming excellent writers. Excellent writers are always readers.

In seventh-grade, we will explore both reading and writing and how they are intertwined and symbiotic with each other. We will look at published authors and explore their craft. We will read like writers and write like readers. As students learn to visualize what they read, and divine author's intent, they will learn to incorporate similar techniques into their own writings, including adding implicit messaging to their readers.

I love writing and reading, and I wish to share that passion with students and excite them about a world of possibilities through both reading and writing. My fervent hope is to see my students who have graduated continue to read and stretch their knowledge throughout their lives and to share their love of reading with their parents, siblings and children. I desire for them to develop a lifelong love of learning and reading that will reach far beyond my classroom.

If you have any questions about how your child is doing or what to expect from them or me, feel free anytime to contact me. I answer e-mail daily at david.lee@ectorcountyisd.org and can take phone calls at (432) 456-2644 from 10:13 a.m. to 11:06 a.m. daily.