Mrs. Schroeder

Hi everyone!

I’m Katie Schroeder, Flynn’s School Psychologist. I enjoy baking, hiking, fishing, and spending time with my nephews. I love to talk about Star Wars⭐, books📖, and rainbows🌈.

I have worked in the Eau Claire Area School District for 3 years, going on 4, and I’m very excited to ring in the school year with all of you! As a School Psychologist, I am a sounding board for student supports, resources, and family connection. I am a specialist in special education law and mental health. I work directly with counselors, social workers, principals, and classroom teachers daily to best support our kiddos. Kids can find my office next to the library or by asking to go to the ‘Rainbow Room.’ I provide a safe space for children to process their emotions and create meaningful relationships with staff around the building. My goal is to help students understand their emotions, advocate for themselves, and feel successful throughout their school day.

Please reach out in person or online to connect with me 😊

Mrs. Katie Schroeder

School Psychologist 🧠