Royal Court


Miss and Mister Scotlandville represent SMHS in the best positive manner and serve as the official host and ambassador of the Student Body. Miss and Mister Scotlandville will assist the SGA President in ensuring that all processes to be carried out by the Student Government Association are done in the best interest of the Student Body. Class Miss and Mister serve on the Royal Court lead by Miss and Mister Scotlandville. Together, they serve as the faces of the institution, proving the age old saying that representation matters. They’re tasked with recruitment and service in the community.

Below is the list all Royal Court positions:

SGA (2) - Mister Scotlandville & Miss Scotlandville

Senior (2)- Mister Senior & Miss Senior

Junior (2)- Mister Junior & Miss Junior

Sophomore (2)- Mister Sophomore & Miss Sophomore

Freshman (2)- Mister Freshman & Miss Freshman