Library Helpers


Hi! My favorite books are fantasy and fiction books, and you’ll probably catch me reading a Percy Jackson or The Lunar Chronicles. This is my first year as a library helper, and I hope that I can help with anything that you need! Just come to me if you need a suggestion for a good book, that you will hopefully enjoy.


My favorite kind of books are realistic fiction and fantasy books. Even though it’s only my first year of being a library helper, I would be happy to help with whatever you need.


Hi! This is my second year as a library helper and I am still the best! I love dystopian but I will read anything! I love reading and I am a competitive swimmer! If you are looking for me you can find me shelving books and checking people out at the front desk, and I would be happy to give you a book recommendation. Some of my favorite authors are Jenny Han, Rick Riordan, Delacruz, Kiara Cass, and almost any other!


This is my second year being a library helper. My favorite kind of books are fantasy and dystopian. If you ever want a good fantasy book come to me. I love helping out and would love to help you find your next book.


Hello! I’m in the 7th grade and this is my first year as a library helper. I love reading fiction, graph novels and manga. I especially love the Harry Potter, Maximum Ride, and Warrior series. I also like to draw and I love animals.


Hello! My favorite kind of books are fiction, like Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Big Nate, This is also my first year as a library helper and I look forward to it and to be a Library helper in 7th and 8th grade.


Hi! This is my first year being a library helper. I love to read action and fantasy. My two favorite books are, Michael Vey, and Harry Potter. I really look forward to learning the ways of the library and helping anybody that needs help.


Hoi! This is my first and last year working at the library. I am excited and want to help you out anytime! My favorite genres are action, adventure, and mystery. Also, My favorite series are the W.O.F. I hope to see you in the library soon!

Chi Chi

Hey, I’m Chi-Chi, and this is my third year as a library helper. If you have any questions about the books or the library, I can probably help you since I’m one of the OG library helpers. My favorite genre is fantasy and sci-fi.


Hi! My favorite genre to read is romance novels. You can mostly find me in the library in the morning and during literature periods. If you need a good book to read, feel free to ask me!


I love to read fiction but especially fantasy. I also love to read classics including Little Women and Anne of Green Gables. Some of my favorite authors include Jenny Han, Christina June, and Meg Cabot. If you need any help in the library you can just ask, and I will be happy to help!


Hello! I love galaxys and reading. My favorite types of books are manga, fiction, and drama. I love to eat sweets.


Hello everyone. This actually my first year as a library helper. I decided to be a library helper because I love reading and I love books. You can come to me for good reads and book suggestions. I love many types of genres from fiction to nonfiction and I would not mind pointing some great books for you. Besides all of that, I can’t wait to be a library helper and I hope my “customer service” is on par with standards. Thanks for reading!


Hi everyone. This is my third and last year being a library helper, and I have loved every minute of it. I am a competitive soccer player and I am on the school volleyball team. Reading is my favorite pastime, and I like to read just about anything. Some of my favorite series include the Mortal Instruments, The Selection series, and the Harry Potter series.


Hey there! I am fascinated by books, my choice of book types happens to be nonfiction you might catch me reading sometimes! My favorites are when we have an outstanding character. I enjoy Percy Jackson’s books personally.


Hello everybody! You can find me in the library usually shelving books. Come and ask me questions about books or if you need a good read, I don’t mind. My favorite types of books are about animals, mysteries, or adventures.


Hola, I am a beginner of being a library helper. I am also eleven years old.I am Veitnamese. I know how to find the call numbers and I am learning how to shelf books. I am very happy to help you whenever you need help. I love reading books and every time I feel bored I would read a book. I like to read love, mystery, fiction, biography. I also love to think of the story of a book as my life.


I love books about animals; I love reading about different types of breeds, and I think nonfiction books are really interesting (especially if they are about animals). I also really like books by Erin Hunter and J.K. Rowling. My favorite genres to read are fantasy and adventure/action.


Hello! I’m the nicest library helper of all, so I will always be happy to help if you need anything! I love to read everything (except non-fiction) Thank you for being here and enjoying a new year here at the Sherwood Library!


This is my second year being a library helper. You could always find me drawing and working in the library. I’m also writing some books. I love anything art and mostly read graphic novels to get ideas for drawing. My favorite genres are horror and drama. I can’t wait to meet the new library helpers and try new things this year.