Meet Your Librarian

Glen Oaks High Library Update

,During the recent historic flooding in the Baton Rouge area, Glen Oaks High School was particularly hard hit. The school received 2 to 4 feet of water throughout the majority of the school. The areas affected included the library, the AV room, Mrs. Anding's office, and the textbook room. The majority of the textbooks were damaged beyond repair, and a significant portion of the library books, class sets, and property controlled items like printers were also lost. The library has moved with the rest of the school to Northdale Superintendent's Academy for the duration of the repairs to the school and will reopen with the rest of the school when we returnt to the campus next August.

Library Life @ Northdale

Mrs. Anding will not be alone in the library this year! Many of our teachers will be "roommates" throughout the upcoming months at Northdale. Mrs. Anding will share the library with Mrs. Adjei and her English II and AP English classes. While this promises to be an exciting mix of both of their talents since they have often worked together in the past, this scenario, plus other issues with moving to a temporary facility, will mean that many adjustments will have to be made to library procedures. As the administration and Mrs. Anding work through these issues, updates will be issued to keep everybody informed. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Anding with any questions or concerns.