Praxis Reimbursement

Participants are eligible for only one Praxis reimbursement payment per fiscal year.

Eligibility Requirements for Reimbursement:

  • All full-time (teachers/paraprofessionals) must be employed during the entire school semester for which reimbursement is sought

  • New hires: Praxis must be undertaken after the first day of employment

  • Separated employees: Praxis must be completed during the time of employment

  • Employees on sabbatical leave are not eligible for Praxis reimbursement

  • Only passing scores are eligible for reimbursement

  • Praxis Reimbursement only includes the cost of the assessment

  • The maximum reimbursement for the School Leader Praxis test in $350.00

Procedures for Praxis Reimbursement:

  • Using the Praxis Reimbursement Google Form link, complete the Praxis Reimbursement application

  • Include the Praxis score report and documentation that reflects a payment to ETS (e.g. bank statement, credit card statement, money order receipt); the participant’s name and address must be displayed on the payment documentation

  • Submit the application and documentation to the Praxis Reimbursement Google Form

Praxis Reimbursement and Tuition Assistance/Reimbursement do not guarantee continued employment, new job assignments, pay increases, or promotions.

** All funding for these programs is contingent upon the availability of funds **