
Massachussetts Next Generation Science Standards:

8.MS-ESS3-1. Analyze and interpret data to explain that the Earth's mineral and fossil fuel resources are unevenly distributed as a result of geologic processes.

8.MS-ESS3-5. Examine and interpret data to describe the role that human activities have played in causing the rise in global temperatures over the past century (fossil fuel combustion, deforestation, agricultural activity).

Guiding Questions on Research:

  1. What is fracking?

  2. List as many reasons as you can why the US relies on fracking.

  3. List as many concerns as you can about the safety of fracking.

  4. What other reasons might there be against fracking?

  5. What other reasons might there be in favor of fracking?

  6. What are some of the changes in our society since fracking became commonplace - around the year 2000? (Energy usage? Economy? Jobs? Green energy?)

  7. Should the United States continue to rely on fracking for its energy needs in the near future?


Students need a way to make the economic role of petroleum relevant to their lives. It may be helpful to send students home with an extra question to ask their parents/guardians:

"If the price of gasoline was double what it is today, how would that affect your life? Would you be able to afford the same after school activities, the same vacations, etc.?"

Some students may be able to discuss with families the impact on the broader economy.

Sources for Fracking:
