Friday 1st March 2024


Dear Families, 

We have had a busy week in school and we are so proud of the children for the high engagement they are showing in their learning! 

The children in Team Calder and Team Humber have had a visit today from our local MP, Kier Mather, who was so impressed with their challenging questions about the recycling of electronic waste and it being carried out safely and responsibly.  The children talked about how as a country we send lots of our recycling to countries such as West Africa and that we should provide equipment to ensure the people living there are safe and well and are not impacted in a negative way as a result of this. The children really did make Kier think about some of his responses! A big well done to both of these class teams! 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Mrs Winter 


Weekly Attendance - 26.02.2024 to 01.03.2024..docx


Dear Parents/Carers, 

Please see below a message from the East Riding Safeguarding in Education team regarding a national WhatsApp group they have been made aware of. We felt it was important that you are made aware of the nature of this WhatsApp group in case it is something your children mention or are a part of. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please let us know. 

"We have been made aware of a concern regarding a National WhatsApp group.  One of our schools has been alerted by parents to a WhatsApp group their children are being added to, that currently has 800+ members. 

This appears to be asking users to add all their contacts to create the largest group in the world (WhatsApp can currently have a max of 1024), without adults being present.  The concern is the content within the group - the majority of users  appear to be minors, although there is no way to verify this.  Aside from the general bad language and online bullying and harassment, there is evidence of racist, homophobic and sexually explicit language, plus pornographic images/ GIFS."

Thank you in advance for continuing to help us to support your children. 

Miss Williams 

PSHE lead


What's Cooking?

Team Derwent have been in Cook School this week making a Roman Sweet Bread called Libum.  (Libum is a small bread-like cake that was made of wheat flour and cheese and offered during sacrificial rituals or to household gods)  The children have learnt about Ricotta cheese and honey and have used their measuring and weighing skills to make the delicious sweet breads. 

Next week, Team Dove will be joining me in Cook School to continue making more delicious Libum.

Louise Soper

Cook School Lead


World Book Day Menu STAYNOR.pdf


Hutchinsons Catering have asked us to send a reminder in relation to booking school lunches.

Today there were approximately 65 meals catered for that were not booked. I'm sure you can appreciate the complexities of catering for large numbers, this is made even more impossible when lunches are not booked.

When situations like this arise we have no option but to offer children the hot meal option (which many children do not always like).

As always we appreciate your support going forward. If you are having problems accessing the Appetite system please contact the school office. 


Friday 22nd March 

Children can come to school with their bonnets and can take them straight into their classroom. 

You are then invited to come into school at the following times to see the children parade with their bonnet and watch the prizes be given out for the winning bonnets.

1:30 EYFS 

2:00 KS2

2:30 KS1

If the weather is looking promising we will ask parents to stand on the inside of the playground and children walk round the daily mile line to parade them.


On Monday 8th April, we have an exciting KS1 workshop for the full morning which will be delivered by DanTastic Education.

Next half terms topic focuses on 'how Britain has changed since the 1960s' and we have organised a really engaging and exciting 1960s workshop.

The team at DanTastic will be coming in to work with all the KS1 children and we are really looking forward to it!

We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £6.50 per child and payment can be made via ParentPay.

Thank you for your continued support.

Many thanks

The KS1 Team


We will be celebrating world book day on Thursday 7th March this year with a focus on Poetry where each class will have some new books to use. Your child will work with their reading buddies in school to learn a piece of performance poetry which will then be performed to the school in assembly. 

Please note as there is already a non-uniform day planned for Friday 8th March for donations for this years Chocolate Bingo. Your child can either come in non-uniform or as their favourite book character on the Friday. Please can we ask that children attend school on the Thursday in uniform a normal. 


We are running our very popular community reading cafe again throughout March at 8:45 - 9:15am. 

This is in aid of raising money for a local community charity called Communitea- they support those with mental health concerns in our local area. 

We invite you into school to read with your child and to enjoy a drink and a biscuit or cake for £1 per person.

Please can you let us know by completing this form if you will be joining us, and how many people you will be bringing.



                                                                                                 7th March - World Book Day

8th March - Non Uniform Day (Chocolate donation)

20th March - FOSHA Event - Chocolate Easter Bingo

                                                                                         22nd March - Easter Bonnet parade

22nd March - Term Ends

8th April - Term Starts

12th April - Teacher Training Day (School closed to all pupils)



For more information please click on the below link to be taken to the Ebor Vacancies website.

Teaching Assistant - Combined Role

MSA wanted Staynor Hall poster.pdf



Text for parent-carer letter.docx


Selby SEND Hub stay & play Easter 2024 flyer.pdf
Selby district parent carer group poster 3 (6).pdf