Inside a Pack

Article Tools

Table of Contents

Expand or collapse the table of contents using the + or - symbols. Click on a section title to navigate to that section of the article.

Article Reading Level

Many articles have versions at three different reading levels. Individuals can use the level labels to switch to content most suited to their ability.

Page Tools

Use Page Tools to reduce or enlarge text size, print the full article, generate a citation, translate the article, or create an article excerpt.

Read Aloud

Click the play icon to hear the article read aloud.


Double-click any word to see a QuickClick dictionary definition powered by Merriam-Webster. Students can also listen to the pronunciation of the word by clicking on the audio box.

Media Tools: Images and Videos

Media Sharing

Share the media using e-mail, download a video, or print an image.

Generate Citations

Click the check mark to generate a citation for the media.

Media Slider

Scroll through the slider to view other media files from the same LaunchPack.

Media Player Tools

Use the video controls to play a video with Closed Captions (CC) or watch videos in full screen.