Welcome! Here you will learn new ways to incorporate digital content into your classroom with Britannica LaunchPacks. To start, scroll down to view the "How to Navigate Your Self-Paced Training" to familiarize yourself with how to navigate the tutorial website.

Then, scroll down to "Start Here: Britannica LaunchPacks Overviews." Here you will find a general overview tutorial for both LaunchPacks: Social Studies and LaunchPacks: Science. Once you have viewed the general overview, use the menu bar located on the left to work your way through the rest of the tutorial. Each section starts with an overview. You can click on each overview to reveal a drop-down list of video tutorials for that section.

Please reach out to training@eb.com if you have any questions. Thank you!

How to Navigate Your Self-Paced Training

Overview: Start here to see a snap-shot of the features being covered in each section.

Tutorial Videos: Dive into these short video clips to learn more about how to use the features in your classroom!

Start Here: Britannica LaunchPacks Overviews

Please watch the overview that corresponds with your subscription. If you are a subscriber to both LaunchPacks: Social Studies and LaunchPacks: Science, you can pick either overview to watch. Both overviews are the same in content, but will navigate the resource in that subject area.

LaunchPacks: Social Studies Overview

LaunchPacks: Science Overview