
Classroom Management Plan

We have a positive reinforcement management plan for behavior.

Students will be encouraged to “Go for Green!”

Each student will have a pocket with three colored cards hanging in the classroom. The colors are like a stoplight--green, yellow and red. All students begin the day with a green card.

If a student does not follow the classroom rules, a warning will be given to the student. If the behavior does not improve or another infraction occurs, the student's card will be changed from green to yellow--warning the student to be "cautious" of his or her behavior.

If another infraction occurs, the yellow card will be changed to red. Any student who receives a red card will be required to "stop" and fill out a "Think Sheet" reflecting on his or her behavior during the day. Think Sheets need to be signed by parents and returned to school the following day. Students who receive more than one red card in a week may lose recess or may call home to explain the inappropriate behavior to their parents.

Students will color a block in their Homework Books at the end of each day to indicate the color of their card. Each student with a green card will be given a ticket to be entered into a prize drawing for that day. At the end of the day, all cards will be switched back to green so each student will have a fresh start the next day.

Look for the color block in your child’s homework book each day. Remember to encourage your child to "Go for Green!"

Thanks for helping your child learn that good behavior is important in school!