The ABC's of First Grade

The ABCs of 1st Grade

A - If your child is absent, please send in a note upon his/her return to school.  All vacation arrangements must be approved by Mrs. Vincent in advance.  There is a vacation form that will need to be completed.  If your child is tardy, please report to the office before reporting to the classroom.  

Art classes are held every Day 1.  

B - Birthdays If your child wishes to celebrate his/her birthday, a non-edible special treat may be sent in for the whole class (items such as pencils, stickers, etc.)  Please notify me in advance so I can provide you with the correct number of students.  For those with summer birthdays, we can arrange something near the end of the school year.  Birthday invitations may be distributed in class ONLY if ALL students are invited or a group of ALL boys or ALL girls.


C -  I will send home a Scholastic Book Club catalog each month. The books are geared toward first graders’ reading levels and interests.  It’s a great way to build your child’s home library!  If you wish to order books, a check (payable to Scholastic Book Clubs) can be sent in an envelope marked  “Book Order” and your child’s name or you can place the order online.   

D - Discipline is essential for a positive and safe learning environment that enables academic growth.  We work hard as a class to make the classroom a positive and safe place for all.  School is our home away from home.  We each strive to be a Cool Cat that ROARS!  Our mission: 

R Respect 

O Organization 

A Acceptance

R Responsibility

S Safety and Success

The goal is for students to have an orange paw print each day by making good choices and demonstrating good classroom behavior.  However, I strongly stress to students that we all make mistakes at times, but what is important is that we manage/fix our behavior and try harder time.  Parents are informed daily of their child's classroom behavior through the weekly Homework Helper sheet.

E - My school email address is  I will check my inbox daily unless of course the server is down.  I will try to reply to your message as soon as I can.  

F - First Grade Reading Night is a special night for first graders and their families.  The first grade teachers will demonstrate reading strategies to help parents support their child’s reading growth at home.  We hope you can join us for an informative night of reading and fun!  Look for more information to be sent home this fall!

G - Grading will be standards-based.  Students will receive standards-based report cards three times a year after each trimester.  Students will be assessed in language arts, math and behaviors that promote learning. 

H - Homework will be given Monday through Thursday.  Homework assignments will alternate between language arts and math, however, I strongly encourage students to read each evening.  Homework will be a review of the skills taught in class.  Students should use pencil when completing their homework.   All homework must be completed neatly!

Home/School folders house important papers and homework.  Students need to bring their home/school folder home and back to school everyday.  There is also a Homework Helper sheet that should remain on the left side of the folder.  Please check your child’s folder each evening; emptying out papers that stay at home and completing those that need to be returned.  Please initial your child’s Homework Helper sheet each night.

I - Internet Visit the district’s website at  and click on Macungie Elementary to learn more about our school!  You can also visit my website there!

J - Jobs within the classroom will be assigned each Monday.  Each week I select new helpers.  Those students assigned to a classroom job will perform their responsibility for the week.  The students love having responsibilities and they are a huge help to me!

K - Keep in touch!  Communication between home and school is key!  Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.  You can do this through a note in your child’s folder or by phone (610-965-1617 x34211).  However, the best way to contact me is via email ( or a Seesaw message.  I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.


L - All students will be given a lunch card.  Please be sure that your child is aware whether he/she is buying a school lunch or packing from home each day.  You can view the school lunch menu under Food Services on the Macungie Elementary website.  Milk can be purchased separately for those with a packed lunch.  You may send in a check or cash to deposit into your child’s S.N.A.P account for use.  Please remember to send the check or money in an envelope marked with your child’s name and Room # 211.   If your balance is low, the cafeteria will notify you.  You can also access your child’s lunch account on  You will need his/her Student ID #.  I can provide you with this if you do not have it.

Students will visit our school library on Day 2.  They will be able to sign out two books each week.  Please help in reminding your child to send his/her library books back each week, so that he or she may select news books for the following week!

M - Macungie School Meetings (Tiger Time) will be held throughout the school year.  Mrs. Vincent and the Macungie Team will review rules, share activities and accomplishments with the school.  

Macungie 1st Grade Shirts are available for purchase.  Our class will wear these on field trips and special events at school.  Look for information to be sent home in the near future.

Music classes will be held on Day 5.


N - My goal is to create a nurturing environment where all students can thrive!  It is important for students to feel safe and cared for in order to learn.  We will work together as a class to create this positive learning environment!  I appreciate your support from home!

O - Outstanding Behavior  When students are ‘caught doing good’ they may be rewarded in a variety of ways!  

P - Physical Education Students will have HWF (Health/Wellness/Fitness) on Day 3.  Please be sure your child wears sneakers and is dressed appropriately for physical education class.


Q - Questions?  As always if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call, email or send me a message on Seesaw.

R - Recess will take place each day before lunch.  In the event of inclement weather, recess will be held indoors.  In the winter, please make sure your child is dressed warm enough to go outside and play.

S - Each afternoon we will have a short snack time.   Please send your child with a nutritious snack such as pretzels, fruit, crackers, vegetables, etc.  Please be sure all snacks are nut and peanut butter free (due to food allergies)!  Students are encouraged to bring in a leak proof, refillable water bottle can be sent in from home.  Please do not send in juice.

T - Any changes to your child’s normal transportation schedule requires a written note notifying us of the change.  If the change occurs during the school day, please call and notify the office.


U and  V -  Are U interested in volunteering to help with classroom donations?  Our classroom would benefit from the following items:  dry erase markers, flair markers, bright colored cardstock, extra snacks, snack bags, sandwich bags and play-doh.  Your generosity is greatly appreciated!


W -  WIN Time (What I Need) This is a differentiated part of our day focusing on student's individual reading skills.  WIN Time is held Monday through Thursday.  Academic support services will be provided during this time to those students who qualify for additional reading support.

X - First Grade is such an exciting year!  We will learn many eXcellent things this year!

Y - Your support & help is always appreciated!

Z - ZZZZZZZ! Make sure that your child gets plenty of rest each night and has breakfast each morning.    This will help them get ready to learn and grow each day!