Sea Bear: A Journey for Survival

Written and Illustrated by Lindsay Moore


A solitary polar bear travels across the sea ice in pursuit of food. As the ice melts and food becomes scarce, she is forced to swim for days. Finally, storm-tossed and exhausted, she finds shelter on land, where she gives birth to cubs and waits for the sea to freeze again.

Patron Reviews:

Jakob third grade: The pictures are great!!! I loved the book!!

Jaden, third grade: I like this book because the bear went on a little adventure.

Leland, third grade: It is cool when the bear swims and swims.

Jake, third grade: I love the illustrations.

Josh, fourth grade: The pictures are great.

Payton, fourth grade: I liked it.

Jensen, fourth grade: I really liked the pictures.

Zuleyka, fourth grade: I liked the colors that were mixed.

Makenna, third grade: The pictures were really good.

Tristan, fifth grade: Sea Bear is about a bear paddling to shore after the ice melted. Paddling under terns, past icebergs and above a shark. He's always patient as a glacier.