Appendix C - COA#3

Critical Area of Operation #3 – Transportation

This school district should include in Appendix C the locally developed protocols addressing the anticipated minimum standards as required by the NJDOE Guidance and referenced in the Board’s Plan – Section A.1.c., including, but not limited to:

a. Student Transportation

Transportation for the East Hanover Township School District is outsourced to the Hanover Township Transportation Department.

East Hanover Courtesy Bussing Protocols include:

  • All buses will be maintained through the Hanover Park Regional School District.

  • Drivers and monitors must also undergo symptom and temperature checks or self-certify and verify they are free of symptoms before the start of each workday. If they become ill during their route, they should contact their supervisors immediately.

  • Anyone on the school bus must wear face coverings, and physical distancing should be maintained.

  • Each bus shall receive a thorough disinfecting/sanitizing and all surfaces wiped down at the end of each day. When traveling to and from facial coverings should be worn by all staff and students.

b. Social Distancing on School Buses

  • Spacing of seats will occur including but not limited to one student per seat and leaving an empty row between, and having siblings share seats.

  • Anyone on a bus must wear a mask.

  • Students will be seated front to back as they enter.

  • Students will be dismissed from bus one at a time ensuring social distancing.

A letter will be sent by Hanover Park Transportation to each family that will be using transportation to detail the expectations for entering, riding on and disembarking the bus.