Grade 7!

What's Happening in Seventh Grade Enrichment?

Middle School Mock Trial Competition

On Tuesday, March 19, 2024 a group of seventh graders competed at the Middle School Mock Trial regional competition, held at Sedgwick Middle School in West Hartford. The NHRMS team advanced to the State competition at the New Britain Courthouse on April 26, 2024!

Trimester 3: 

Passion Projects

This trimester, students in Enrichment will explore a personal passion. They will conduct research using reliable sources, organize information and create an innovative display to promote their passion at the upcoming SPRING FAMILY EXPO!

Trimester 2 Project Options

Memoir, Myself and I

Build a Board Game

Design & Market a Candy Bar

Passion Project

Seventh Graders are Shrewd Investors

At the close of the nation-wide Stock Market Game on April 19, 2024, seventh grader Shane Vitali ranked first place at NHRMS, coming in 17th place nationally. 

Seventh graders Hadley Williams and Annabelle Rodowicz have been working hard in enrichment: concocting and marketing their "Super Bar" candy bars.

Trimester 1 Project Options

Machimoodus Mosaic

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

The True Story of Pocahontas

Conduct Your Own Experiment

Students at work!

Seventh grade students collaborate and begin the construction phase of their Family Expo projects in preparation for the upcoming Expo!
