Setup ClassDojo Access

At the beginning of the year, all students will receive a sheet containing their access codes, as well as those for parent accounts. There are instructions below that may help you get setup.

The ClassDojo HelpDesk is a great resource to troubleshoot any issues you're having!

Accessing ClassDojo from the App:

  1. Search the App Store or Google Play for "ClassDojo" and download/install.

  2. Open the App and tap 'Parent' to create a parent account.

  3. Enter your name, email, and create a password.

  4. Tap 'Add child (+)' and use the code provided by your teacher, or search for your child's teacher and request to connect to their class.

Accessing from a web browser:

Need to create an account? Start here!

Already have an account? Go to this link and sign in.