Welcome to Canadochly Elementary's Learning Launchpad! 

During the school year, teachers will have students interact with their "virtual classrooms." While teachers may have students complete activities in Google Classroom or other platforms, these "virtual classrooms" house shared expectations that were co-developed students and teachers, as well as additional directions and resources that align with class activities.

If our school were to take part in a remote learning day (flexible instruction day) due weather, etc., this is a great place to connect with a teacher's resources for both live and on-demand instruction.

Please select your teacher below to view their virtual classroom and get started!

Mr. Fried's Virtual Office

3rd Grade

3rd Grade Team's Virtual Classrooms
*contains info for Mrs. Mable, Ms. Snyder,
and Mrs. Winter

5th Grade

5th Grade Team's Virtual Classrooms
*contains info for Mrs. Ebersole, Mr. Eckert,
Ms. Fisher, and Mr. Renfro

Student Support