Media Center

Online Catalog: Search for books registered in Sabina Elementary's library system.

Typing.Com: Online Typing Classes

Popular Books: Trying to find a new book to read? Check out some books that are really popular right now!


Author Spotlight: Want to learn more about some of today's most popular authors? Check out our Author Spotlight page!


Public Libraries: Go to local library sites to search for books, find the libraries' new books and videos, and featured articles.


Dewey Decimal System: Want to learn more about the Dewey Decimal System? Check it out here!


InfOHIO: A collection of over 50 research databases to assist you with research and assignments.

Sabina Elementary

246 West Washington Street

Sabina, OH 45169 

Phone: (937) 584-5421 

Fax: (937) 584-2817 



Allen Seitz