Updated August 19, 2021

The Coronavirus Pandemic has been a trying time for everyone.  Schools are no exception.  I remain extremely proud of how quickly our faculty, staff, and students adjusted in the spring of 2020 in the midst of one of the biggest challenges we have all faced.  2021-2022 will be unique in its own way as we continue to adapt to changes in how we conduct schooling.  

While there will be continual changes in plans as we proceed and while flexibility will be required on everyone’s part, one thing that will not change is our mission.  We remain focused on growing our students into becoming “Champions and Ambassadors” by:

§   Providing challenging, authentic, relevant learning situations.

§   Providing a flexible and integral learning environment in which all stakeholders work independently and/or collaboratively to solve problems.

§   Promoting student ownership of their educational process.

§   Incorporating current technologies in teaching and learning.

§   Nurturing each student’s sense of self-worth and contribution to the school community.

§   Modeling and encouraging respectful and equitable treatment of others so that all students achieve the levels of knowledge and skill required for working, living, and learning in a knowledge-based society.

This world event has forced us to refocus on this mission and has given us an opportunity to examine everything we do and to re-imagine all aspects of our operations.  The result is that we have become more innovative and creative in learning processes and in implementing new techniques and technologies.  As a silver lining, this crisis has helped to position East Clinton to thrive moving forward.  

I am sure that regardless of what this looks like moving forward, not everyone will be happy.  The pandemic will continue to push all our systems to their limits, including family/home systems.  We are very aware of how our decisions impact your home life and schedules. The decisions that have been made have been done so by working in cooperation with many entities including the Clinton County Health Department and in line with guidelines from the State of Ohio.  While there are certainly pros and cons in any decision that could be made, we centered our decision-making around the health and safety of our students.  Again, please understand that any plan will be fluid as circumstances change.  We will be as responsive to individual needs as possible, while keeping the health and safety at the forefront of any adjustments or changes.

In moving forward, our desire will be focused on working toward a completely full-time schedule. We will work toward that within the framework that is provided to us by the State of Ohio and the Health Department.  As with school year 2020-2021, we will have at our disposal the “Stop Light” system with green, yellow and red being the indicators for the school operations.  While this "Stop Light” system is available for use, it is our desire and goal to remain in a full in-person setting throughout the entire year.

At all possible points we will operate in the Green indicator. “Green” is a full go approach.  All students would attend every day.  This would be the “normal” day.  In a green model, we would continue best practices of washing hands, sanitizing facilities, and other precautions.  Green is our goal.  If we can remain at green at all points throughout the year, we will do so.   

The “Yellow” approach will be a blend of both in-person and remote learning. In yellow, we can best accomplish the social distancing guidelines and limit any potential exposure.  Students would be divided into an “A” group and a “B” group.  “A” students would attend on Monday and Tuesday.  “B” students would attend on Wednesday and Thursday.  Friday will be a complete remote schedule.

The “Red” approach is a completely remote setting.  Moving to red would be based on local circumstances surrounding Covid-19.  Any decision to move to red would be made in cooperation with the Health Department or dictated by the State of Ohio.  


East Clinton will open the year in the “Green” model. We will be working very closely with the Clinton County Health Department to continue to work to keep all our students and employees safe and healthy throughout the year.

As with any other public setting, we must recognize the potential risk that is present for contacting the virus.  While we will take measures to ensure the healthiest environment possible, there are no certainties.  


With returning to school, we will try to comply with social distancing requirements as best as possible.  However, we understand that complete social distancing will be an impossibility, especially with transportation.   Where possible, hallway traffic patterns will be adjusted to allow for a better flow.  Staggered release times to avoid high traffic areas will be implemented.  


The wearing of masks and facial coverings will be optional but highly recommended for students and staff while at school.  However, masks will be required while being transported in any school vehicle.


Hand sanitizing stations will be set up in multiple areas of the buildings.  We will encourage proper handwashing techniques on a regular basis.  Hand washing is the most effective thing students can do to remain healthy.


Parents will be required to check the temperature of their children prior to sending them to school.  Anyone with a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher should stay home.  If a student displays symptoms of Covid-19, the student should remain home and consult a physician.  Students will be checked upon arriving at school.  Any student displaying symptoms, including a fever, will be sent home.


While we typically welcome all parents into the buildings, with this situation, we will have to strictly limit access to the building for visitors.  If you have reason to enter the building, please contact the building ahead of time to be granted that access.  For pick-ups/drop offs during the school day, please contact the building prior to coming to the school to make those arrangements.  It is recommended that visitors to the building wear a mask.


·  Conduct a self and student wellness check daily including temperature prior to sending a student to school. Students with temperatures of 100°F and above should stay home.

·  Provide a face covering for your student to wear on school transportation.

·  Limit visits to school as much as possible, including visits to drop off forgotten items.

·  Wearing a face covering is highly recommended for visitors when entering district facilities.

·  Ensure contact information is up to date in the event the nurse needs to contact home, including a personal email.

·  Ensure there are multiple, pre-arranged methods of getting a student home from school should they become ill or exhibit symptoms.


·  Students are generally expected to maintain physical distance of at least three feet where possible, minimize contact with large groups, and avoid common areas as appropriate.

·  It is REQUIRED that ALL students wear face coverings when using school transportation.

·  Wash hands / use hand sanitizer regularly throughout the school day.

·  Follow specific health and safety recommendations communicated by district staff and administration.


·  East Clinton staff members are generally expected to maintain physical distance of at least three feet where possible, minimize contact with large groups, and avoid common areas (lobby, teacher’s lounge, front office, counselor’s area) as appropriate.

·  All staff will be required to check temperature upon entering the building.

·  Wash hands / use hand sanitizer regularly

·  Follow specific health and safety protocols communicated by district or administration.

·  Custodial staff will follow all cleaning protocols.

·  All staff will report daily, including on remote learning days.


·  Classrooms reconfigured to maximize distancing, with an intent to maintain social distancing where feasible. (3 feet)

·  Students assigned to seats within classrooms.

·  Limit or eliminate shared supplies


·  Students will be placed in assigned seats.

·  Face coverings are required.

·  Buses will load from back to front and students will maintain their assigned seats. Buses will empty front to back.

·  Bus windows will be down, weather permitting.

·  Siblings will sit together.

·  Maintain appropriate physical distancing while at the bus stop and while entering the school building.

·  Sit and remain in your assigned seat facing forward while riding the bus.


Surfaces will be cleaned frequently, paying close attention to high touch areas.  In addition to regular routine cleaning and disinfecting, the district will have all touch points professionally disinfected using EPA registered antimicrobial coating that provides a 30 day protection against germs and viruses (including the COVID-19 virus) even with routine cleaning.

East Clinton will work with the Clinton County Health Department to determine if additional measures must be taken if a school closure is warranted due to an outbreak.


East Clinton Local Schools are committed to serving all of our students with special education needs. We will be using a variety of models, instructional strategies, and accommodations to support students with disabilities.

If you have any questions regarding your student’s IEP or 504 services, please contact the special education office by calling 937-584-7005 or emailing


·  According to the CDC, people with COVID-19 have a wide range of symptoms from mild symptoms to severe illness. Thus, any student/staff members exhibiting the following symptoms of COVID-19 should stay home from school or will be sent home sick from school until symptoms resolve and should see their primary care provider to be assessed for COVID-19:

o   Fever or chills/rigors

o   Cough and/or shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

o   Fatigue or headache

o   Muscle or body aches/malaise

o   New loss of taste or smell

o   Sore throat

o   Congestion or runny nose

o   GI issues such as: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

·  Staff & students presenting illness symptoms while at school must immediately report to the nurse’s clinic.

o   Student/staff members exhibiting symptoms suspicious of COVID-19 will be sent home from school, referred to the appropriate health care provider and the local health department will be notified of a suspected case of COVID-19 accordingly.

·  Any student/staff member with a fever of 100.4°F or higher must stay home.

·  Students/faculty must meet the following criteria before they can return to school:

o   If they only have a fever and no other symptoms, and have not had any contact with an individual that has tested positive for COVID-19, the student/faculty may return to school after they are fever-free for 24-hrs. without using any fever-reducing medications.

o   Any other illnesses should be handled in the routine manner adopted by current school district policies.

o   To return to school, the student must be transported to school by the parent and must be checked by the school staff first.

·  Any student/staff member with an epidemiological link to a case of COVID-19 must stay home and consult with the Clinton County Health Department and/or their health care provider and follow recommendations accordingly.


Families and staff must notify the school if they have been exposed or diagnosed with COVID-19 and must follow care/quarantine recommendations given by the Clinton County Health Department:

·  Individuals (staff/students) must stay home.

·  Work will be accessible.

·  Return to school will be dictated by ODH and Clinton County Health Department requirements.

Communications when a student/staff member has been diagnosed with COVID-19:

·  Communication will come from the Health Department, not the school district.

·  The school district will cooperate with the Health Department’s work in social tracing.

County Health Department.

·  The school district will utilize communication from the Clinton County Health Department explaining/defining “exposure” to COVID-19 that would necessitate quarantine.

Returning to School After Confirmed COVID-19 Illness:

·  If a student/staff member is diagnosed as having COVID-19, they must meet the following criteria to return to school:

o   3 days with no fever (without using fever reducing medication) AND

o   All symptoms improved AND

o   10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared AND

o   All recommended quarantine requirements have expired.

·  Before returning to school, the student/staff member must provide communication and/or documentation to the school regarding their plan to return and must validate that all criteria for returning to school have been accomplished.

If a positive COVID-19 case occurs and the individual has been in school within 48 hours:

·  Contact tracing is needed. Anyone that was within 3 feet of the individual for 15 minutes or more from 2 days prior to symptom onset will need current quarantine protocols applied.

·  Please report the name, address, and phone number of the positive case and the contacts of the positive case to CCHD Communicable Disease Nurse at (937) 382-7221.  The Communicable Disease Nurse or another disease investigator will be in touch with the positive case and contact tracers will be in touch with the contacts of the positive case. 


Communication will be developed by CCHD when a student, teacher, staff member, etc. has been diagnosed with a COVID-19 positive case.  A common template will be developed to include, at a minimum, the following:

·  Specify to the parents that a child was potentially exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19, provide information regarding the symptoms and signs to look for, seek medical care from their medical provider as necessary, and include any other pertinent information essential to the health and well-being of their child. Information relating to school building staff will be included in this letter if necessary, with emphasis also toward the health and well-being of all school employees.

·  The school district will cooperate with CCHD in contact tracing to identify close contacts of the case of COVID-19.

·  CCHD will write a letter for the school district to use and the letter will explain/define what is considered close contact to a COVID-19 case that will result in a quarantine.


Any updated information will be posted on our website, shared on social media, and be sent through the Final Forms.