College & Career Resources

Scholarship Information

Most links are websites where applications can be submitted electronically. If the link is to a form, check the due date to make sure the current year’s form is posted. If not, contact Jodi Luck for the current form. These are changed as we receive them. Print or download the form to your computer before completing the form. If there are any scholarships that we do not have posted, please email information to Jodi Luck and it will be added. 

Please click on the link below to view all possible scholarships available for the class of 2022

Available Scholarships

College Credit Plus Meetings

Our East Clinton students have the opportunity to earn college credit while in High School. Please see the following link for information about the process and meetings that are required if you and your student(s) are interested in this opportunity for the 2021-2022 school year.

College Credit Plus Meetings

Great Oaks

Please click on the link below to view an opportunity to visit the Great Oaks' campuses for career opportunities. Families of 9th and 10th graders:  Open houses at Great Oaks campuses are different this year.  Go to for dates and details.

Thank you!  As always, I’m grateful to you.  Please let me know how I can help you in your work.

Great Oaks

ACT-2019-20 (1).pdf