Fusion Tables (advanced)

IMWCA17: Fusion Tables (Beginner)

data downloads & links

hands-on Prep

  1. Open Google Drive (drive.google.com)
  2. Click on New > More > Connect more apps
  3. Search for Fusion Tables and add it to your drive

hands-on activity #1

  1. Download FirstNationsOntario.csv
  2. Open Google Drive (drive.google.com)
  3. Create a new Fusion Table from Google Drive (New > More > Fusion Table).
  4. Use the "Choose file" button to select the FirstNationsOntario.csv file from your computer and click "Next".
  5. Click on the Map view.
  6. Click "Change feature styles" and using the drop-down box under "Select one icon", change the placemarks to a different style. Click "Save".

hands-on activity #2

Add custom icons

  1. Add a new column "icon". Click Edit > Change columns.
  2. Click "New" and select "Column.
  3. Title the new column "Icon" and click "Save".
  4. Open a new tab to the Custom Icon Library.
  5. Click on the icon you want and copy the Icon Name (you must copy it exactly, it is case sensitive)
  6. Paste the icon name in your Fusion Table icon column, for each row.
  7. Go to the Map view.
  8. Click "Change feature styles" and change the settings from Fixed to Column.
  9. Under Column, click "Use icon specified in column" and select the "Icon" column using the drop down box. Click "Save".

Edit the infowindow

  1. In the Map view, click "Change infowindow".
  2. Select "Custom"
  3. Delete the current code and copy and paste the below in. Click "Save".

Infowindow script

<div class='googft-info-window'>


<b>website:</b> <a href="{website}" target="_blank">{website}</a><br>


Create a heat map

  1. In Map view, click heat map.
  2. Adjust the settings to your taste.

hands-on activity #3

  1. Create a Fusion Table with StatisticsCanada2011.csv
  2. Create a Fusion Table with CanadaBoundaries.kml
  3. While in the Canada Boundaries Table, select File > Merge.
  4. Select the StatisticsCanada2011.csv table to merge with.
  5. For the CanadaBoundaries table, select either the "name" or "NAME" column to merge on. For the StatisticsCanada2011 table, select the "Province/Territory" column. Then click "Next".
  6. Click to view merged table.
  7. In the map view, click "Change Feature Styles".
  8. Select Polygons > Fill color > Buckets.
  9. Divide into 5 buckets and click "Use this range".
  10. Select colors for the 5 buckets.
  11. Click "Save" to see your updated map.
  12. To add a legend, click "Change Feature Styles" and select the Automatic Legend.