
Monday, October 1

9:00-10:00 Breakfast & Registration

10:00-10:30: Summit Overview (Valley Oak)

10:30-11:00: Welcoming Remarks (Valley Oak) (Livestream)

    • Rebecca Moore, Engineering Director of Earth Engine, Earth and Earth Outreach

11:00-11:15: Bio Break

11:15-12:00: The Geo for Good Toolbox (Valley Oak)

12:00-1:00: Lunch

1:00-2:30: Breakout Session 1 (session descriptions here)

          • Google My Maps & Tour Builder (Western Sycamore)
          • Google Earth Pro: Advanced Features (Pacific Madrone)
          • Fusion Tables Working Session (Box Elder)
          • Getting started with Geospatial Analysis (California Buckeye)
          • Google Earth Engine 101A: Introduction to Earth Engine for beginners, part A (Coast Live Oak)
          • Google Earth Engine 102A (Red Willow)

2:30-3:00: Coffee Break

3:00-4:30: Breakout Session 2 (session descriptions here)

          • Capturing your own 360 Images and Videos (Box Elder)
          • Intro to Google Earth Studio (California Buckeye)
          • GPS & Geotagged Photos (Pacific Madrone)
          • Global Forest Watch (Western Sycamore)
          • Google Earth Engine 101B: Introduction to Earth Engine for beginners, part B (Coast Live Oak)
          • Google Earth Engine 102B (Red Willow)

4:30-4:45: Break / Transition

4:45-5:30: Hackathon Pitches (Valley Oak)

5:30-6:00: A Planet in Balance (Valley Oak) (Livestream)

  • Jonathan Baillie, National Geographic Society

6:00-6:30: Demo Playground + Happy Hour

6:30-8:00: Dinner

Tuesday, October 2

8:00-9:00: Breakfast

9:00-10:30: Breakout Session 3 (session descriptions here)

          • Google Earth Pro Basics (Western Sycamore)
          • Capturing your own 360 images and videos (Box Elder)
          • Open Data Kit 101 (California Buckeye)
          • Basics of Google Maps Platform (Maps API) (Red Willow)
          • Earth Engine Project Work (Coast Live Oak)

10:30-11:00: Coffee Break

11:00-12:30: Breakout Session 4 (session descriptions here)

          • Google Earth Pro: Advanced Features (Western Sycamore)
          • 360 Storytelling (Box Elder)
          • Open Data Kit: Advanced Forms (California Buckeye)
          • Ground Sneak Preview (Pacific Madrone)
          • Importing and Exporting data to/from Earth Engine (Coast Live Oak)
          • The Earth Engine Python Environment (Red Willow)

12:30-1:30: Lunch

1:30-1:45: Street View by You (Valley Oak)

  • Stafford Marquardt, Street View

1:45-2:15: Partner Talks (Valley Oak) (Livestream)

  • Jeff Bolingbroke, Parks Canada
  • Christophe Bailhache, Underwater Earth
  • Lilian Pintea, the Jane Goodall Institute

2:30-2:45: Break / Transition

2:45-4:15: Hackathon / Office Hours / Coffee Break

  • Hackathon (Valley Oak and Coast Oak)
  • Google Earth Pro Office Hours (Big Leaf Maple)
  • Voyager Office Hours (Western Sycamore)
  • Earth Engine Office Hours (Red Willow)
  • Google Maps Platform Office Hours (Pacific Madrone)
  • Open Data Kit Office Hours (Box Elder)
  • Ground Office Hours (California Buckeye)

4:15-4:30: Break / Transition

4:30-5:15: Partner Breakout Sessions (session descriptions here)

          • Google Earth Pro & My Maps Partner Panel (California Buckeye)
          • Google Earth Engine Partner Panel (Coast Live Oak)
          • Mobile Data Collection Partner Panel (Red Willow)
          • Voyager Partner Panel (Western Sycamore)
          • Earth Map - a new FAO-Google tool for historical analysis of environmental and climate parameters (Pacific Madrone)

5:15-5:30: Break / Transition

5:30-6:00: Partner Talks (Valley Oak) (Livestream)

  • Erik Murdock, Access Fund
  • Marcus Pearson, Adventure Scientists
  • Annie Taylor, Peninsula Open Space Trust

6:00-6:30: Demo Playground + Happy Hour

6:30-8:00: Dinner

7:00-8:30: "Into the Okavango" Film Screening (Coast Live Oak)

Wednesday, October 3

8:00-9:00: Breakfast

9:00-10:30: Breakout Session 5 (session descriptions here)

          • Open Data Kit 101 (Western Sycamore)
          • Intro to Google Earth Studio (Box Elder)
          • VR & Tour Creator (Pacific Madrone)
          • Ground Sneak Preview (California Buckeye)
          • Analysis to Impact (Red Willow)
          • Image segmentation and object based methods for image analysis (Coast Live Oak)

10:30-11:00: Coffee Break

11:00-12:30: Breakout Session 6 (session descriptions here)

          • Earth Engine & Timelapse (California Buckeye)
          • Google Earth Web Usability Session (Western Sycamore)
          • VR & Tour Creator (Pacific Madrone)
          • Google for Nonprofits (Box Elder)
          • User Interfaces + Earth Engine Apps (Coast Live Oak)
          • Pixels, Points & Polygons (Red Willow)

12:30-1:30: Lunch

1:30-2:30: Google for Good Panel (Valley Oak)

2:30-2:45: Break / Transition

2:45-5:15: Hackathon / Office Hours / Coffee Break

  • Hackathon (Valley Oak and Coast Live Oak)
  • Google Earth Pro (Big Leaf Maple)
  • Voyager Office Hours (Western Sycamore)
  • Google Earth Engine Office Hours (Red Willow)
  • Google Maps Platform Office Hours (Pacific Madrone)
  • Street View Office Hours (Fremont Cottonwood)
  • Open Data Kit Office Hours (Mezzanine Lounge)
  • Ground Office Hours (Mezzanine Lounge)
  • VR/AR/Tour Creator Office Hours (Box Elder)
  • Data for Good Office Hours (California Buckeye)
  • Local Guides Office Hours (California Buckeye)
  • Google for Nonprofits Office Hours (California Buckeye)

5:15-5:30: Break / Transition

5:30-6:00: Partner Talks (Valley Oak) (Livestream)

  • Meghan Halabisky, Conservation Science Partners
  • Claudinete Colé De Souza and Rogério de Oliveira Pereira, Association of Remnant Communities of Quilombos of the Municipality of Oriximiná (ARQMO)

6:00-6:30: Demo Playground + Happy Hour

6:30-8:00: Dinner

Thursday, October 4

8:00-9:00: Breakfast

9:00-10:30: Breakout Session 7 (session descriptions here)

          • Basics of Google Maps Platform (Maps API) (California Buckeye)
          • Google Earth Studio: Advanced Workshop (Pacific Madrone)
          • Open Data Kit: Advanced Forms (Western Sycamore)
          • Getting started with Geospatial Analysis (Red Willow)
          • Hands On: Change Detection from Landsat composites (Coast Live Oak)
          • Analysis to Impact (Box Elder)

10:30-11:00: Coffee Break

11:00-12:30: Breakout Session 8 (session descriptions here)

          • Google Earth Web Usability Session (Western Sycamore)
          • KML Coding (California Buckeye)
          • GPS & Geotagged Photos (Box Elder)
          • Global Forest Watch (Red Willow)
          • Google Earth Engine API Tour (Coast Live Oak)

12:30-1:30: Lunch

1:30-2:00: Sustainability at Google (Valley Oak) (Livestream)

  • Kate Brandt, Google Sustainability Officer

2:00-2:30pm: "Ask Me Anything" Panel (Valley Oak)

2:30-3:00: Coffee Break

3:00-3:45: Hackathon Talks (Valley Oak)

3:45-4:00: Closing Remarks (Valley Oak)