Important Dates

Days to remember

Our PE lessons are on Thursday.

Spelling Test is on Thursday.

Homework is given out on a Friday and collected on Friday the following week.

Year 6 swimming will start on either Wednesday 5th or Thursday 6th June. A letter with details of exact session times will shared closer to the time.

Year 6 SATs Week 2019

SATs Information 2019
KS 2 SATs Week Monday 13th May 2019

Parents / Carers Evening

Wednesday 27th March 2019 3:30 - 7:00

Thank you for returning your preferred meeting time slot letter. As you will understand some of the time slots are very popular. In order to fill the time slots fairly they have been allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Letters that were returned first were given a time as near to their chosen time as possible.

Most of the time slots have now been taken but if you'd like to arrange another time to speak to us we're happy to do so.

Please contact us on the Class Dojo or through the school office.

We look forward to meeting you.

Adell Horbury and Sarah Drummond Year 6 Lime Teachers

March 19 Year 6 Lime Parents / Carers Evening

Pendarren INFORMATION 2019

18th - 22nd March 2019

Pendarren Kit List 19
Pendarren Example Letter Depart 2019

Class Assembly

It's our Class Assembly this Friday. Looking forward to seeing you all there. It will be based on our Anti-Bullying Week theme - 'Choose Respect.' We have been working on the way the children respond and interact with each other on this theme. This is very important as they make their transition into Secondary School.

Wednesday 26th September 3:30 - 4:15 and 4:30 - 5:15

Meet the Teacher with Mrs Drummond and Miss Horbury

We are really looking forward to welcoming our parents / carers to our classroom on Wednesday. We will be sharing information about the academic year ahead. We welcome parents / carers to take the opportunity to get to know us. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have, we will do our best to provide you with the answers.