About Me

Mr. White

Room #318 (Upstairs, NGC)


Phone 512-732-9280 (x32070)

Hi, my name is Todd White, and I’m excited to continue this journey through space and time. This is year four at Westlake, but I have  over 20 years in the district.  I’m a graduate of the University of Texas-Austin (Hook 'em!), with a degree in Education and a minor in Geology. My Masters work was in Earth/Environmental Science Education.

I encourage you to ask your student what they did in class today, since much of what we do makes for some great stories!  Most days include the famous (infamous?) Science News of the Day...often random, but always interesting.  I'm told is has been the topic of many dinner conversations throughout the years.

I have two daughters and a son; Jessica, a grad student in Criminal Justice at the University of Colorado-Denver, and Ashley, a Biology senior at the University of Washington.  I'm married to a West Ridge teacher, and our son Noah is going to turn 2 in November. Toffee the dog and Mersey the cat are our pets that Noah likes to chase around the house. 

Big, BIG sports fan...I'm a supporter for Austin FC, Everton, the San Jose Sharks, the University of Texas, and the Cincinnati Reds.  I play golf, tennis and hockey whenever time and Noah allow.