Chinese 5 


Course Overview

This course is a project based course that is designed to introduce three of the major genres of Chinese literature—poetry, fiction and drama. We will read a number of the "masterworks" of Chinese literature. We will also examine the intertextuality between these genres — how poetry blends into narrative, how fiction becomes drama, and drama inspires fiction. Through reading these selected works of Chinese literature, we will examine some of the major features of Chinese society: religious and philosophical beliefs, the imperial system and dynastic change, gender relations, notions of class and ethnicity, family, and romance. 

This course seeks not only to introduce students to highlights from the canon of Chinese literature, but also in contemporary Chinese societies and in the global Chinese diaspora. Student projects will focus on contemporary media adaptations of famous Chinese literary works (in film, anime, comic books, computer games, web sites, music, theater, art, and other media).

In this school year, student will complete several literature and culture related project to deepen their understanding of the impact between language, culture and society. 

Google Classroom

Westlake High School utilizes the Google Classroom platform to share classroom resources, many assignments, and assessment preparation materials to students. WHS students will receive a classroom code to access these materials, submit assignments, and track any missing work. 

Chinese 5 Google Calendar

Westlake High School utilizes the Google Calendar platform to share class schedule, assignment due date to students.