Español II

Course Overview 2023-2024

Spanish II is all about learning the foundation of Spanish. Being open to learn about culture, people and places. I will put a lot of emphasis on the student's confidence to speak, read and write in order to become engage in the lessons. I will share listening and communicative skills for them to grasp concepts and sounds used in Spanish. All four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, continue to be developed as well as a better understanding of Hispanic and Spanish cultures.

Spanish is exclusively the language of the classroom. I will use English to clarify difficult concepts and instructions. Students might find this as a surprise, but I believe that learning a new language should be fun!


_(II) Profe Garza TEACHER Syllabus (2023-2024).pdf

Class Calendar

Required Class Materials

Charge your ipads/device

Pencils and/ or pens

Folder and/or notebook to handouts from class

Spiral/composition notebook


Google Classroom

Westlake High School utilizes the Google Classroom platform to share classroom resources, many assignments, and assessment preparation materials to students. WHS students will receive a classroom code to access these materials, submit assignments, and track any missing work. 

Additional Resources

If you have information you would like made available to the public (i.e. a slidedeck presentation), post it here. Please be sure anything you post publicly is not in violation of copyright laws--worksheets from publishers, images on slides protected by copyright and/or not cited.

Social Media Links: If you post class assignments, questions, photos or other information on social media, make note of it here and be sure to link to the account(s).