TLC English

Course Overview

GOAL: to give students an opportunity to THINK and COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY and RESPECTFULLY through a variety of mediums.


  • Read in order to improve critical thinking skills

  • Learn to write for power (thesis and support) and truth (focus and exploration).

  • Broaden and enrich each student’s educational experience through the imaginative, intellectual and emotional engagement with literature.

  • Develop critical reading and writing skills that connect each student’s own experience with the themes and ideas explored in a variety of literary tradition.

  • provide opportunities for improving research skills and preparing for the writing/vocabulary components of the SAT.

Google Classroom

Westlake High School utilizes the Google Classroom platform to share classroom resources, many assignments, and assessment preparation materials to students. WHS students will receive a classroom code to access these materials, submit assignments, and track any missing work.

Syllabus TLC English 22-23

Course Syllabus

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SENIOR 22-TLC English Grading Spring Semester Log

Semester GradeSheet

Example- Subject to Change

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