Español I 

Course Overview

Spanish 1 is a fast-paced introductory course in which students will begin learning to read, write, speak, and listen to the Spanish language. Students will also gain an introductory understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures. By the end of the year, students should be able to introduce themselves, discuss basic topics such as preferences and characteristics, and understand some audio and text resources in Spanish on a basic level. Participation in class will involve written and spoken work. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be ready for their second year of Spanish.


(I) 2023-2024 Syllabus

Class Calendar

Required Class Materials

See syllabus.  

Google Classroom

Westlake High School utilizes the Google Classroom platform to share classroom resources, many assignments, and assessment preparation materials to students. WHS students will receive a classroom code to access these materials, submit assignments, and track any missing work. 

World Languages Dept. Retesting Policy
