Library Policies

Book Check Out

Kindergarteners are allowed to check out one book, which is due back each week. Students in first through fifth grade can check out two books, which need to be returned or renewed every other week. If a student finishes reading their books, they can turn them in at any time during the week. Students also have the ability to put books on hold if they are waiting for something specific.

Overdue or Lost Books

Although Barton Creek Elementary Library does not charge any fines for overdue books, students must return them before checking out any new materials. If a book goes missing, students can continue checking out as long as they get a lost book form filled out by their parents. This will give your family time to look for the book without impacting your child's ability to check out new books. While most missing books do turn up, if a book is still missing after a month, we request that you reimburse the school for the cost

Library Volunteers

Barton Elementary Library is well supported by a wonderful group of library volunteers. These helpers typically come in every week. Most volunteers assist with their child's class and have at least one other person to help them. All volunteers participate in a brief training at the beginning of the year to become better acquainted with the library. If you are interested in becoming a library volunteer, please email Ms. Ricter at