ASL 3 Honors

American Sign Language 3 Honors - Syllabus

Teacher: Alexandria Means Room: 161 NGC       Email:

COURSE DESCRIPTION:                                                                                                          

This course is an introduction to intermediate skills in developing production and comprehension skills in American Sign Language (ASL).  Students will learn ASL vocabulary, structure, and grammar.  Course content also includes the manual alphabet and numbers. Students will further refine their conversational abilities, and culturally appropriate behaviors, and learn about the culture and history of Deaf communities.               


COURSE RATIONALE / OBJECTIVES:                                                                                     

The purpose of this course is designed to help you develop the study skills you need to learn a language and to review and practice what you are learning in your language class. This may include lectures, small group activities, use of electronic media, going to ASL Lab, and Deaf events. You will be encouraged to practice your receptive and expressive skills so that you can have a positive experience with your language course. Students are expected to come to class well-prepared to participate in daily discussions. The grammatical explanations will be kept to a minimum and students will be required to work in pairs and small groups. Active participation in group work is required for the success of the class.

Assignments in class are due by the end of class on the day the assignments are given.  Extended time according to the individual’s 504/SPED accommodations is always given as long as you are working on my assignments during the duration of my class and you communicate with me.  

ASL ZONE:                                                                                                                                 

This classroom is an ASL Zone.  It means voicing or English mouthing during class time will be prohibited.  Once you are in the classroom, please silence yourself and sign with your class peers and ASL teachers.  Talking without signing in the presence of a Deaf teacher or any Deaf person is considered rude in Deaf culture. Not only is it a classroom policy, it is also a sociocultural norm and custom in the Deaf world. Source: Handspeak  Write notes to each other if you must.  Otherwise, SIGN!  This ASL ZONE / NO VOICE rule will be enforced from day 1 and throughout the school year.  Disruptive students will be asked to leave the class.

Note: Subject to change