Behavior Management Steps


  • For negative behavior, the following will occur:

1st: Student will be redirected, given a verbal warning, and receive a Warning in Class Dojo (0 points lost).
2nd: Student will have a one-on-one conference with the teacher, moved to different location in the room and lose a Class Dojo point.
3rd: Student will be sent to a buddy room to complete a self-reflection and lose another class Dojo point.
4th: If the student continues to misbehave, A Behavior Intervention Notice will be completed by the teacher and the student will serve a lunch detention with Mrs. McNeese in the cafeteria. After eating, a discussion and plan to improve will be made with her. The student may complete any remaining time of recess.

After three Behavior Intervention Notices/lunch detentions, a referral to the office will be made for further consequences to be determined by administration.

  • For showing positive behavior, the top 3 students who earn the most points in ClassDojo will get to pick a prize from our prize box every week. We also have monthly celebrations too!


  • Positive & Negative points