Summer Seminar 2020

ESS Summer Seminar is an opportunity during July 13th-16th for ESS staff to participate in professional development.

During this week, district ESS teachers, OTs, PTs, SLPs, APE teachers, psychologists, behavior coaches, behavior analysts, and preschool facilitators can personalize their professional development by selecting classes that meet their instructional needs and interests.

*Summer Seminar will begin Monday,afternoon, July 13- Thursday, July 16 for all Certified, Related Service Providers and Preschool Facilitators.

*All classes (but one) will be attended virtually. Please make sure you register in iLearn for each course you plan to take (virtual or in-person): iLearn

*We are offering one in-person course that will be limited capacity to first come first serve with registration in iLearn - and limited to 15 people

*All in-Person options will be offered at Kingswood Elementary School

*All Current guidelines will be followed for those participating in in-person classes

*All recommended safety guidelines including temp checking all participants/presenters as well as following all recommendations for social distancing and mask wearing

*Certified staff members will be paid for up to 20 hours of completed training during this week.*Time sheets and iLearn registration will be used to log hours