Happy last week of school! Monday is our Kindergarten Celebration, starting at 9:30 am in the gym. Please send your child to school dressed in their "Sunday Best". You can send a change of clothing so they can change afterwards. Monday's schedule will be the same as a usual Monday with 1:45 dismissal. Wednesday and Thursday are 12:00 noon dismissal.
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
Monday - W is for watch us sing!
Tuesday - X is for x-ray
Wednesday - Y is for yoga
Thursday - Z is for zoom off to summer!
Friday - NO SCHOOL
science test on animal body parts and how they help them survive
make up tests for absent students
story problems for addition and subtraction
writing about what we learned in kindergarten
making predictions and visualize events in text
making predictions and connections with nonfiction text
a job you would like to try and what you want to be when you grow up writing
Art is our special for Monday and Tuesday only
Thank you all for sending in t-shirts! Our parent helpers are busy creating those for us. We will be signing them on Tuesday and sending them home Wednesday for wearing on Thursday (our last day of school!)
If you would like to send in treats for the last day of school, that would be great. Also students may bring in a game on Thursday as well to play with friends in class.
I will also send home their change of clothing from the box in the bathroom on Monday. (If your child is prone to accidents, it might be wise to leave those in their backpack.) Please help your child transition and have a smooth end to the school year with plenty of sleep each night. I will also be sending home all workbooks so kids will need their backpacks every day.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Also, if you do not plan to send your child to school any day this week, please email me! I have end of year gifts, etc and would like to make sure they get theirs.
It has been a pleasure to be your child's kindergarten teacher and they each have a place in my heart always.
Julie Spindler
Dear Kindergarten families, May 12, 2024
I hope everyone is spoiling their moms today and enjoying time together. Thank you all so very much for spoiling me this past Teacher appreciation week. I very much was humbled by all the kind words, cards, pictures, flowers and gifts. I will miss you and your children! We are continuing our abc countdown with only 9 days left of school. Please be mindful of any unfinished work your child brings home to finish, and return back to school right away. There will be no other homework for the remainder of the school year. (Hurray!) On Friday we will get a popcorn party from the PTSA for bringing in the most money out of the kindergarten classes for the spring fundraiser. We voted as a class on what type of party to have and it was a close vote. We also learned that we have to accept what the majority of people want, even if it wasn't what we voted for.
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
Monday - R is for reading a favorite book you bring from home
Tuesday - S is for silly socks! Let's wear some
Wednesday - T is for tour 1st grade
Thursday - U is for the USA. Wear red, white and blue
Friday - V is for vacation- dress like you are going on vacation
iExplore is our special
Math test (was postponed due to DIBELs and so many students being absent)
All about work; wants versus needs
science investigation about bird's beaks
informational text about bears
The Innovation Showcase is this THURSDAY 5-7 pm. Please see the flyer below for more information. . . . Next Monday, May20th is our Kindergarten Celebration (formerly known as kindergarten promotion) 9:30 - 10:30 am in the school gym. Please, Please make plans to attend, watch our end of year slideshow and hear the kids sing, have a cookie in the courtyard with your child and take their picture with 1 of our backdrops. We have been working very hard on learning all our songs, PTSA is providing the cookies and a community member is providing decorations. We can't wait to show you!
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me or send a note with your child.
Fondly Yours,
Julie Spindler
Dear Parents, 5/5/24
Happy Sunday! I hope this email finds you well. This week is our PTSA fundraiser at Culvers. Any day this week, stop by and show the flyer and they will credit our school a % of sales from your meal. Our peanut butter and jelly drive continues; please send in new jars of either or both. DIBELs testing will also take place this week.
Here is the family letter for our new module of reading. We will go to Music this week for specials.
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
short /e/and short /u/ words
segmenting sounds in words
ask and answer questions from text
read and write words, sentences and short stories
identify central idea and details of informational text
evaluate details to determine importance
Animal Habitats
Math test on all skills learned in kindergarten
Special features of animals and how they help them survive
Feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns.
Dear Parents, 4/21/24
I hope this email finds you well. This week is a 4 day week with no school on FRIDAY ~ Spring holiday. The 3rd & 4th graders finished their state testing and so we will have a spirit week to celebrate. Most of our butterflies have hatched so we will release them tomorrow on Earth Day.
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
ask and answer questions
identify and label steps in a sequence
read and write sentences and stories with short a, i, & o
compare objects
use dots to represent numbers
use dominoes to represent numbers and equations
solve equations and color pictures using a key
label body parts of animals and explain how it helps them survive.
discuss animals and their habitats and the importance of keeping it clean and liter free
art is our special
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Julie Spindler
Dear Parents, 4/14/2024
As we wind down the school year, there are some fun activities we have planned. On Monday, we will encourage the 3rd and 4th graders who are testing this week with our annual Tunnel of Love; where we cheer them on to do their best. This Wednesday is our virtual field trip to the elephant habitat. We also begin our ABC countdown on Wednesday. PTSA will be meeting on Thursday at 4:00 pm. in the library. Hope to see you there! We begin practicing songs for our Kindergarten Promotion this week as well with the other kinder classes. The Innovation Showcase night will be May 16th at 5:00-7:00 pm.
Please read the weekly newsletters from Principal Brown for more information.
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
Wednesday - A is for animal~ bring a small stuffed animal to school
Thursday - B is for backwards ~ wear your shirt backwards
Friday - C is for colors ~ wear lots of colors or your favorite color.
short vowel series for /a/ & /i/
sound mapping boxes for changing 1 letter
make and check predictions
central idea and supporting details
ask and answer math questions
which one does not belong
writing and solving story problems
How do animals use their body parts to help them survive?
labeling body parts of animals
iExplore is our special this week
Please save empty egg cartons, and shoeboxes for us when possible. We will be using them to create our Innovation Showcase project. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Julie Spindler
Dear Parents, 4/7/24
I hope everyone is doing well. Our Spring Fundraiser is here & we are asking for your donations & assistance in spreading the word to family & friends to help us reach our goal of raising $30,000!
Your support, no matter the size of the contribution, will make a real and lasting difference in the lives of our students. Together, we can empower them to reach their fullest potential and prepare them for success in their academic pursuits and beyond.
The top classes in each grade will have a classroom party (pizza or ice cream) and the top 10 students will get to have a special luncheon with Mrs. Brown & Ms. Ireland!
Your generosity is deeply appreciated and will have a meaningful impact on the educational journey of every child at Western Peaks Elementary School. By participating in this fundraiser, you can rest assured that our school & PTSA receives 100% of what we raise!
Your donations will help pay for:
Classroom Resources
Teacher Classroom Grants
Monthly Staff Treats
Wall Wraps for the school
Classroom Improvements
Rewards for Students
Outdoor Parent Pick Up Shade Installation
This fundraiser will end on April 19th, so please donate today using this link. > fund/2024wpesdirect
At the moment our class has raised $90 and is in 8th place. Please consider donating. Our PTSA is having a fundraiser on Wednesday at Oreganos. They are giving 20% of sales back to our school. Just mention Western Peaks when ordering. Here is the April flyer of events.
In order to keep all kids safe during the solar eclipse on Monday, we will have inside recess after lunch. Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
We will take our phonics test on Monday and begin the short vowel series for the rest of the school year.
We begin our next reading module "From plant to plate" and will be reading books about growing food. On Friday we have a guest speaker coming to tell us all about his hobby - he is a beekeeper!
We are in the final math unit which is a cumulation of all things learned in kindergarten math this year. This week we will focus on
compare and count groups
add and subtract
1 more and 1 less
order numbers 1-20
external structures of animals that allows them to respond to their environment
Music is our special
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. (33 school days left!)
Julie Spindler
Happy Easter! 3/31/24
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. I would love to hear about the Princess and the FROG dance and see any pictures you may have taken. Congratulations to all of the 3rd quarter award winners. Students have been working so hard and doing their best. Great job!
This is a look at what we will be learning this week:
PE is our specials
review all sight words for a test next Monday
opinions and reasons
making connections to text
write a poem
reading comprehension test
compare/describe/build/count with solid shapes
parts of a plant
how has travel changed over time?
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Dear Parents, 3/10/24
This week we will be going to the zoo on Wednesday. (Look for a separate email with all the details). Tuesday night is our Kindergarten Showcase for upcoming kindergarteners, and Saturday we start our spring break. Wednesday is our Mod Pizza fundraiser; and tickets go on sale for the Princess and the F.R.O.G dance. Look for information going home regarding this and the upcoming fundraiser. Our district is asking kids to make an SRO badge. See this flyer
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
Long e, silent e words
review all sight words learned
write a narrative (we started this last week and will continue to work on it with editing and revising)
main events, characters and setting of a story
listen to biographies and poetry - note features of each
ask and answer questions about shapes and designs
counting shapes within designs
documenting plant growth and structures of a plant
identifying how communities change over time
iExplore is our special
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Julie Spindler
Dear Parents, 3/2/24
Next week we will celebrate Read Across America and Dr. Seuss' birthday with a spirit week and a family night! Donations for the cakewalk are greatly appreciated. Please see the flyers attached. Family night; Spirit Week
The class with the most families in attendance for the family night will win a prize so be sure to sign in Thursday night! Please see Principal Brown's newsletter for more of this month's events.
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
long o, silent e words
words to read and write: under, into
reading comprehension - setting, ask and answer questions, retell main events, ending punctuation, visualize events in a story
count to 20 using objects, tens frame, fingers, etc.
introduce solid shapes
music is our special
compare and contrast life long ago to today
how to plant seeds
Students may bring a Dr. Seuss book on Friday (just 1 please that has a family name written inside) to read in their pjs. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Julie Spindler
Dear Parents, 2/25/24
I hope all of you are doing well. Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
words to read and write - eat, soon, please, ride, white
long i, silent e
reading comprehension - beginning, middle, end; ask and answer questions, positional words in, out, on, off, by
show numbers 11-19 in different ways (fingers, 10 frames, expressions, etc)
Famous Americans - Ben Franklin, Abraham Lincoln
Showing courage and pride in our country
PE is our specials
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Julie Spindler
Happy President's Day weekend, 2/18/24
No school on Monday. On Wednesday, Feb 21st PTSA will have a meeting at 5 pm in the library. Please come and have a voice! Thursday is Handel's dine out night; please come and support our school.
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
sight words to read and write - our, out
long a, silent e pattern
teen numbers as 10 + __
special people and places in our country
customs and traditions
Art is our special this week
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Dear Parents, 2/4/24
I hope you are all doing well. This week we have early dismissal on Thursday and Friday with students released at 1:35 both of those days. Monday our PTSA is having a fundraiser at Pieology (see the pink flyer that went home last week). Valentine's grams will go on sale soon. See the attached flyer. Also we will be exchanging Valentines on Wednesday, February 14th. If you want, you may send your child with 21 valentines, and only have them sign their name on that day. We will be making bags to hold them in class. There is also an attached flyer regarding tax credit. Please consider donating to our many student activities. Please also complete our parent survey. The links and information are below:
Here are the links for the parent survey. The survey is much shorter than previous years. It is estimated to take 5 minutes to complete.
The QR Code will take them to the homepage of the survey and they can choose which language they want to complete it in.
It is set to close on the night Sunday 2/18.
And finally, here is what we will be learning this week:
sight words - all, good, say
read short stories and write sentences
find the missing letter in words
reading comprehension skills - author's purpose, visualize what the story/text is telling, make predictions and identify story elements
find the missing addend to make 10
solve subtraction story problems
review and test math unit 5
What happens to our shadows during the day?
National symbols
Chinese New Year
Music is our specials class this week
I look forward to seeing all of you this week at parent teacher conferences.
Julie Spindler
Dear Parents, 1/28/24
Happy Sunday! This week we will have spring picture day . (Thursday). We will also be taking our class picture that day.
If you have not yet signed up for a conference, please do so using this link. (Thank you to those who are signed up). Field trip permission slips and fees need to be turned in and paid as soon as possible so that we can reserve the buses. Please check your child's folder daily for important information and unfinished classwork that needs to be completed at home and returned.
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
sight words to read and write - new, now, not, well; all, good, say
reading biographies to sequence events, identify characters, setting and main ideas
test on Reading Module 5
Groundhog Day (Friday)
unknown addends in a story problem
finding all possible ways to express the story problem
story problems with unknown results, unknown addend, or differences
use a 10s frame to solve a story problem
match equations to compositions and decompositions of 10
ways to make 10
PE is our special
How do we celebrate America?
Symbols of America
How do we show pride in our nation?
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Dear Parents, 1/21/24
I hope you are having a lovely weekend. PArent teacher conferences are the week of February 5th. I have morning and afternoon appointments available with late night conferences on Thursday. Please sign up for a parent teacher conference using this link on signup genius. Also, Spring picture day will be on February 1st.
This Tuesday is the 100th day of school! Please send your child with a baggie and 100 small items like pennies, beads, m&ms, etc. Also please have them dress up like they are 100 years old. I will take their picture using an age filter. Always cute! Wednesday, the 24th PTSA is having a fundraiser at Twisted Sugar in the new Prasada shopping center from 5-8 pm.
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
Art is our special
compose and decompose numbers up to 9
find the missing addend in a story problem
identify the missing letter/vowel in a word
test on sight words, and letters we have learned so far, as well as writing sentences
identify the problem and solution in a story
identify people, places and events in nonfiction text
ask and answer questions about objects in the sky
Dear Parents, 1/15/24
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
find the value of expressions
add 0 or 1
math test
compose and decompose numbers up to 9
uppercase letters E, Z, K, Y, V, U, Q, X
review sight words
make inferences
problem & solution
ask and answer questions about objects in the sky
The 100th day of school is quickly approaching, Jan. 23rd. We have talked about doing some fun things like dress like you are 100 years old, bring in a collection of 100 small items like buttons, or cheerios, etc.
Parent teacher conferences are also coming up soon. They will be the week of February 5-9, with the 8th & 9th as early release days. Please mark it on your calendar. I will make a schedule next weekend and send it to you then.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Happy New Year! 1/8/24
I hope all of you had a wonderful winter break. Here is a look at what we will be learning this week.
letters to name, sound and write: q, x, & u
words to read and write: down, must, can, at
reading comprehension skills -
make inferences
character traits
compare characters
compare addition and subtraction word problems
use expressions with story problems
match drawing to expressions
find the value of an expression
Objects in the sky (day and night comparisons)
Who are our leaders?
Why are national symbols important?
Music is our specials
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Note: Next weekend is another 3 day weekend with Monday January 15th off school for Dr. Martin Luther KIng Jr day.
Julie Spindler

Dear Parents, 12/17/23
This week we have a few events planned. (spirit week dress up every day) Tuesday - Desert Farm Lights 6:30-9:30 pm (see flyers that went home last week). Wednesday - 4 pm PTSA meeting in the library; Winter Concert in the gym starts at 6 pm (please drop of students at 5:30 pm). Friday - early dismissal at 11:50 am; book exchange and party.
I am planning to have students finish wrapping gifts on Friday, having our class marble party (hot cocoa) and book exchange. I am still in need of 10 more books for the book exchange. If your child has not yet brought in a wrapped book for this, please send it on Monday. If you are able to purchase an extra book for those unable, I really appreciate it.
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
words to read and write: do, my, too, am
letters to sound, write and name: v & y
use drawing to represent story problems for addition and subtraction
compare subtraction and addition problems
create our own story problems.
Christmas around the world
finish up weather unit
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Julie Spindler
Dear Parents, 12/10/12
I hope everyone is doing well and having a good weekend. We have 10 school days left before winter break and many activities planned during this time. Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
letters to say, sound and write: z, k, e (e is giving us some difficulty; please practice this at home as well)
words to read and write: this, that, there
main idea and key details
Module 4 reading test
make predictions , use picture and word clues to predict what characters are feeling
pronouns I, me, we
New words to learn - do, my, too, am
new letters - y & v
addition and subtraction
act out story problems using pictures and objects
Christmas around the World - students will rotate to a new classroom each day and learn about a new country and how they celebrate. They will also make a craft each day to go with that country.
Art is our specials this week
Candy grams will be sold this week also. Flyers attached!
The following week will be a spirit week. See the flyer attached for details. Dec. 22nd is our last day of school before winter break (noon dismissal). That day we will have a picnic style lunch and book exchange. (Please send in a wrapped book if you have not done so yet. I only have 3 student's books!!)
If you know your child will not be at school for any of these days, please let me know via email. The end of the quarter is approaching and there are key dates where I have to give end of module assessments. I might be able to give it to your child on another day if they will not be at school that day.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns, or have dates of upcoming absences.
Thank you!
Dear Parents, 12/3/23
December is here! This week is our field trip, DIBELs testing, toy drive and PTSA fundraiser at Sonic drive in. Please see the principal newsletter sent out on Friday for all the December details of events.
Here is what we will be learning this week:
addition and subtraction with story problems and equations
phonics test
letters to name, sound and write - z, k, e
words to read and write - this, that, there
reading comprehension skills - Happy, Healthy Me
heading, table of contents, glossary, index
central idea & key details
elements of a poem (rhythm and rhyme)
research writing
weather patterns and how weather affects plants, people and animals
I am still looking for some craft donations as well. If you have anything you can donate (see mylist in a prior email last week) I'd really appreciate it. I bought some small bells this weekend so they are no longer needed. Thank you all so much!
Julie Spindler
Dear Parents, 11/26/23
I hope all of you had a wonderful week together. A toy drive has started and will run up until December 6th. Please see the flyer attached. Here is the updated Amazon link:
We will be working on singing our songs for the Winter Concert with the other kindergarten classes. Please help your child practice the songs at home or in the car as well.
Thank you!
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
Review uppercase letters O, L, R, C, F, J & W
words to read and write- one, two, three, four
topic/central idea and key details
ask and answer questions
summarize text
write in complete sentences using proper punctuation and upper case letters
use positional words to describe the location of something (ie: over, under, beneath, above, on the side of, next to, in front, behind, etc)
identify shapes regardless of their position
use shapes to create a picture and identify shapes in a photo or art
math test this week on 2-d shapes
maps, communities, and how people help each other in a community
Social Studies test
Music is our specials class
Thank you to all who sent me pictures from the Thanksgiving lunch. If you have any to share I would love to see them! The disguised turkeys turned out so well! I have attached photos of them and our 2 winners. Everyone did a wonderful job making these.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions/concerns.
Julie Spindler
Dear Parents, 11/12/23
Thank you for the many donations this past week. Our penny war is still going on, and as of Friday we had $11.25! If you RSVP'd for Friday's Thanksgiving lunch; our lunch will be from 10:30-11:00. Don't forget to send in the turkey in disquise for our contest on Monday! If your child's turkey wins, I will call you to pick it up. Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
letters to name, sound and write - w & j
words to read and write - jump, was, will, went
reading comprehension skills:
main idea & key details
setting, characters, events
ask and answer questions from text
writing sentences that start with a capital letter and use capital letters for proper nouns
use pattern blocks to recreate shapes
find shapes in real world photos
different ways to make a shape
describe and match shapes
positional words such as above, below, behind, etc.
How are holidays celebrated in other countries?
P.E. is our specials class
We have started practicing for our upcoming Winter Concert. It will be held in the gym on December 20th at 6 p.m. Please save the date!
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Enjoy your Sunday!
Julie Spindler
Happy Sunday! 11/5/23
This is a short week with no school on Friday due to Veterans Day. I will send home some hearts (pdf attached) for you to write the names of any Veterans in your child's family so that we can honor them by posting these hearts around our kinder hallway. If you are a Veteran, Thank you for your service!
Here are some school-wide events: A penny war (Flyer in the link) is starting this week and will run through next week as well before the Thanksgiving week off. Our food drive ends this Thursday.
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
art is our specials
letter f, j & w
words to read and write - help, they, jump, was, will, went
central idea and key details of a story
capital letters
circles, triangles, squares and rectangles
Veteran's Day
maps and globes to locate my state and country
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Julie Spindler
Dear Parents, 10/29/23
Friday's Willow Canyon Homecoming parade was the best ever! All the students were really excited and talked about it all day. It was great seeing so many of you for our Trunk-or-Treat event! I had a blast dressing up and seeing all the wonderful cars, students and parents in costume. Regarding Oct. 31st: Parents, please note: Children are not allowed to wear costumes, including any face paint, to school on Tuesday, October 31st. Thank you!
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
pumpkin investigations for size, using adjectives for color, sink or float, etc.
Math test on counting and writing numbers to 10; comparing numbers and groups of objects
Reading test on comprehension skills learned so far (characters, setting, problem, solution, theme, elements of a book and where to find title, author, etc.)
Compare flat (2D) shapes
characters, setting, theme, problem and solution of a story or fable
Maps and globes
our school and our neighborhood
iExplore is our special
letters to name, sound and write - l, o, r; c & f
words to read and write - are, little, with, find, no, they, help
poems and realistic fiction, maps
make predictions using picture and text clues
characters, setting, main events, key details, central idea
We are participating in a food drive. It will run Oct 30- Nov 9th. Please help us feed those in need! Our school wide fundraiser is also going on until Nov 9th. It is all online; packets went home last week. We have 2 important tests this week. We have 2 important tests this week; please plan to have your child attend school, ready to learn every day.
I appreciate all the support at home and encouragement! I am seeing students make tremendous growth already with the extra support at home from you.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Julie Spindler
Dear Parents, 10/21/2023
Next week is a very busy week! Our make up picture day is Tuesday, so if your child was absent on the first picture day, they will have their picture taken on Tuesday. If you want your child to have their picture retaken, please send me a note or email otherwise I will not know to send them for retakes.
Wednesday the pumpkin book reports are due. Please send in their decorated pumpkin, book and book report on Wednesday. Friday is our Trunk or Treat school-wide event! All pumpkins will be on display in the library and awards will be displayed as well at that time. HERE is the flyer that went home at parent teacher conferences.
We are also having a spirit week and playing monopoly for following Falcon Expectations. Here are the Monopoly details:
Our amazing PTSA and your Social Committee are excited to do a week-long kickoff (next week) to get our staff and students excited for our Trunk or Treat on Friday Oct 27th
We will be playing Monopoly Madness for all students and staff members! The game will go next week, Mon-Fri. Game play is simple: Collect as many game pieces as you can to try and win prizes.
Each homeroom class will receive a game board to display on your wall, and your class will play together as a team to collect matching game spaces and win the prizes. If your class wins the prize, you will win a corresponding teacher/staff prize.
Teachers will receive a handful of game pieces (with numbers on them) each morning for you to award to students throughout the day as rewards for displaying respectful, responsible and kind behavior. Make sure to hand out all of the game pieces each day. Winning numbers will be called each day. Some will be instant win numbers and those students will receive a prize that day. The rest of the numbers will correspond to a space on your monopoly board. Your goal will be to fill as many spaces as you can throughout the week and win prizes! We want this to be fun and easy; teachers hand out game pieces, students collect them and listen for the numbers to be called throughout the week to see if they become instant winners or game board spaces when we make announcements.
Here is the flyer for Spirit week organized by student council. They are also selling candy grams until October 27th or until they run out.
Here is what we will be learning this week:
sight words to read and write- yellow, brown, are little, with
letters to name, sound and write - l, r, o
phonics test
use adjectives for shape and number
identify problem, solution and theme of a fable
identify characters, setting, and main events in text
write a list
compare groups and numbers 0-10
make groups with 1 more or 1 less than a given number
identify living and nonliving things around us, and give evidence for our classification
specials this week is Music
Dear Parents, 10/1/2023
Happy October!
This is conference week which means we are on a different schedule than usual.
Monday release - same 1:40pm
Tuesday release - same 3:40 pm
Wednesday release - same 3:40 pm
Thursday release - Monday schedule (1:40 release)
Friday release - Monday schedule (1:40 release)
Then FALL BREAK for a week off!
We will be going to the book fair on Tuesday; you can send money in with your child or put money on their ewallet. Wednesday is Donuts with Mom before school -(you must have tickets to this event!) Art is our special this week. Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
sight words to read and spell - saw, he, be, she, me, we
letters to write, name and say the sound for - i, s, h, b
Reading test on characters, problem, solution, sequence of events. theme and lesson of a fable
key details, central idea, fact/opinion, nouns for things and places
count and compare items in groups up to 10 using more, fewer, or the same.
create groups with more, fewer, or the same
Christopher Columbus
Is it living or nonliving?
I look forward to seeing each one of you at parent teacher conferences!
URGENT: Just a reminder to please pay for the field trip as soon as possible. You need to have a parent portal account in order to pay, and to see your child's report cards. Paper copies of field trip permission slips need to be returned to school with both sides completed so we can alert the cafeteria if any students will need to purchase a sack lunch. These things all need to be ordered way in advance, along with the buses which require payment in advance to reserve. Thank you for your understanding regarding this urgent matter.
Feel free to contact me if you have questions prior to our meeting this week.
Julie Spindler
Dear Parents, 9/24/23
Happy Sunday! If you are out and about getting groceries this weekend, please consider purchasing a few apples to donate to our class. On Tuesday, we will be having a Johnny Appleseed day in honor of his birthday. We will use our senses to describe apples, use labels to identify parts of an apple, make text to self connections from the story of Johnny Appleseed, Use shapes to make different apples and count those shapes, make paintings using apples to stamp a picture, and follow a key to color a picture of him. I could use help from 9:00-10:00; or 11:35-12:15. Please let me know if you are available to help out on Tuesday and which time frame.
Here is a look at what else we will be learning this week:
Sandra Day O'Connor day - Monday
letters g, i, & s to write, name and sound
sight words- want, come, said
identify characters, setting and events in a story
use adjectives for color and size in our writing
count objects indifferent arrangements
count and compare groups to identify more, less, or the same
tell the importance of laws and of following laws
describe what it means to be a good citizen
SPECIALS - iExplore
Conference week will be the first week of October with FALL BREAK the following week! During parent teacher conferences, our PTSA will be hosting a book fair. Our class is scheduled to go to the book fair on Tuesday, Oct. 3rd. You may send money with your child that day, or just have them preview. Don't forget to send in your donuts with mom rsvp. You must have a ticket to attend this free event.
Also during conference week, our school will be having a spirit week and start the attendance competition. Here is the flyer with all the information.
Please contact me if you have any other questions or are interested in helping out on Tuesday.
Dear Parents, September 17, 2023
This Tuesday we will have our Fall pictures taken (all students). Information went home earlier this week in your child's take home folder. Please be sure to look through for important information daily, and return with your child every day. PTSA will be having their family trivia night (if enough families signed up) this Friday at 6:00 pm. A flyer is attached. Next month, they will host the annual trunk or treat event, and we will have a character pumpkin contest. Look for more information about this soon! Also we are planning our first field trip to the Herberger Theater for a play of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. We are tentatively scheduled for December 5th, but will need to pay in advance to secure our date. We will need parents to pay in advance for this field trip online through the parent portal. Please be on the lookout for more information going home soon. Next week we will be celebrating Johnny Appleseed on September 26th. Donations of a variety of apples for tasting and comparing would be much appreciated! Parent teacher conferences are quickly approaching and I am working on a schedule for the week of October 2-6th.
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
specials class - music
review of letters Tt, Pp, Nn, Aa
review of words learned so far this quarter
Phonics test on Tuesday
New letters and words to learn - m, d, g, go, so, look, want
identify the problem and solution of a story
identify the needs and wants of characters in a story
write a complete sentence with capital letters and punctuation, using spaces between words
using adjectives to describe a setting using for color and size
counting and comparing groups to identify groups with more, less or the same
how to be a good citizen by working together and following rules/laws
Constitution Day
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I would love parent helpers! If you have your volunteer badge or are interested in helping out 1 day a week, please contact me so we can set it up. I will need help on Sept 26 with "Appleseed Day".
Western Peaks is a late start school.
Monday & Early Release: (Soft start at 8:40) 9:00 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Tuesday - Friday: (Soft start at 8:40) 9:00 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
- Parent Portal You can sign up for the Parent Portal at or download the Campus Parent app on the iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon app stores. If you have any additional questions, please contact the front office.
Happy windy Sunday! Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
words to read and spell: who, what, where
Letters to write, name and sound: uppercase T, P, N, A
order of events in a story
topic and theme of a story
synonyms and antonyms
show how many using our fingers
compare groups of objects using fewer, more and equal to
write the numbers 0-10
9/11 Remembrance Day: symbols of the USA
What are rules? Why do we have them and what happens when rules are not followed?
Name steps for solving a problem
Specials - P.E. please send students to school with appropriate shoes and a water bottle
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Happy Labor Day! Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
letters n & a
high frequency words- like, have, you
identify the setting, characters and main events
sequence main events in a story
counting collections of items with unit 1 test on Friday
Science investigation on sound
explore ways that children work together to solve a problem
Last week we had our first big reading comprehension test. Most students just guessed at their answers without much thought and did not pass. I will be reteaching and students will have the opportunity to retake a similar test to show mastery. Family letters for current reading are attached.
Looking ahead, September 19th is our picture day for all students. September 12 - Freddy's diner fundraiser.
Homework will now be weekly, going home on Mondays (Tuesday for this week) due on Fridays. All homework is an opportunity for students to practice skills learned during class.
We are doing well with our Read-a-thon! Here is the link for pledges. Our class has raised $525 so far! Students will get an extra recess, and playdough time as part of reaching these milestones. Hurray!
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Dear Parents, 8/27/23
Monday kicks off our Read-A-Thon! It is a big fundraiser for our school. Students will be "reading" for 10 minutes every morning. If we reach our school goal, Principal Brown will be slimed! Please spread the word and pledge for your child online here.
Our class specials this week is iExplore. Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
letters to name, write and sound - t & p
sight words to read and write - to, play, see, for
reading comprehension will focus on naming the characters, setting and main events of a story
grammar - verbs
math will focus on counting groups of objects up to 10.
using counting strategies to find enough supplies for a given group of students
Science - How does our sense of smell help us identify and explore our world?
How can we use our sense of touch to identify objects?
What tools can we use to improve our senses?
Sound investigation
August Homework due Friday
Flash cards and a list of high frequency words is going home in your child's folder on Monday. The list was also shared electronically. Here is a letter regarding our phonics lessons this week, so you can help your child at home. Next week I will switch to weekly homework that is similar to Mrs. Lunceford's and Mrs. Ballew's homework. Please make sure you have created your parent portal so you can see your child's grades, set up alerts if you'd like for missing assignments, etc. Progress reports will be posted soon and can only be viewed through the parent portal.
Here is a note from our PTSA:
We have broken a school record for total memberships with 174! Our membership drive goal is 200 total memberships. The Teacher Showdown is going awesome! We’ve had some teachers really get into it - we currently still have Ms. Ballew, Ms. Kelley, and Ms. Roemer ranked 1st-3rd place. The top 3 classes will get a class party of their choice (ice cream, popcorn, or pizza).
Bingo Night was amazing! We had over 200 people show up and the event was a huge success. Most importantly our families had a great time. This event would not have gone as well without all of the staff and faculty who showed up to help us. We are extremely thankful for your support.
Next week we begin the Read-a-thon - Ms. Brown has agreed if we meet our fundraising goal that she will get slimed! We will begin promoting that on our social media. However we haven’t even kicked off yet and we have already raised $2k! We also have ensured that Western Peaks PTSA is listed as a non-profit for corporate company matching as well.
We are sending home a DJ Trivia sign up sheet. This event is $10 dollars for teams of up to 4. So if a family has 8 players, they’ll need to register as 2 teams. In case anyone is wondering - DJ Trivia is a super fun, family friendly game of general knowledge trivia with prizes. DJ Trivia will be 9/22 in the cafeteria. Parents can send in their forms with cash or register online (both options will be on the form). The prizes will be pretty epic.
Restaurant Nights:
We also have Freddy’s (9/12) and Panda Express (9/20) restaurant nights in September as well.
Looking Ahead:
Looking further out - we are planning to have two contests at the trunk or treat. Best decorated trunk (1st-3rd place) and best costume (1st-3rd place). So if you are planning to decorate your trunk please let us know. Also, we do need to start telling TopGolf about how many bays we will need for our TopGolf Spirit night and we need at least 40 sign ups. We won’t send family sign-up sheets home until after DJ Trivia, but if staff members would like to attend as a group (either with your family or as a staffing outing) and want to be in a bay together please register as soon as possible (and let me know) so I can make sure that they assign the bays in that way.
As always please reach out to us directly if you have any questions and thank you again for allowing us to support you all.
Thank you,
Western Peaks Elementary School PTSA
Follow us on Facebook!
Please feel free to email me or send a note or leave a message if you have any questions/concerns. Have a great evening!
Mrs. Julie Spindler
Dear Parents, 8/20/23
Happy Sunday! I hope this email finds you well. Are you enjoying the cooler weather like me?
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
music is our specials class this week
how to take a test
characters, setting, main events in a story
poems and rhyme
writing an opinion with reasons
sight words this week: I, a, the
letter names and sounds with printing basics
finding groups of objects with the same amounts
making a picture book of groups of objects
Does this group have enough?
What does it mean to be a good citizen?
How are we unique and alike?
How can we help others?
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Dear Parents, 8/13/23
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. This week we will have our first PTSA meeting at 5 pm in the school library on August 16th. Students have been learning how to be respectful, responsible and kind in our learning areas, hallways, playground, buses, and cafeteria. If students are struggling to follow these expectations after repeated redirection, then a moment of reflection and calm down is given. I will then sit privately with your child to have them complete a reflection sheet of what the expectation is and what they did instead. These notes might come home for your signature. We have discussed and watched videos about what this should look like. Please ask your child about it! I truly appreciate your support with reinforcing expectations.
Lunch transitions have improved this past week! Students were able to clean up and walk quietly in the hallway out to the playground much quicker and quieter this week, giving them more time to play. Hurray!
We have P.E. all week, so please be sure to send your child to school in appropriate shoes with a water bottle. Thank you!
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
identify the characters and setting of a story
identify the beginning, middle and end events in a story
use connecting cubes and pattern blocks to recreate a given shape
count to 10
recognize small groups of objects and name the amount without counting
use our sense of hearing to investigate sounds near and far
use our sense of hearing to identify the source of some given sounds
As always, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Dear Parents, 8/6/23
*There is a lot of information compacted into this email. Please read to the end.*
We had a great first 2 days of kindergarten! Students are starting to learn routines and procedures. We are also making friends and learning to take turns. Monday will be our first early release at 1:35 pm. (We will release 10 minutes before the rest of the school to help with parent pick up.)
A few things came up that I would like to ask your assistance with. Students have only 20 minutes to eat lunch in the cafeteria. Please be mindful of what is in your child's lunch to make it easier for them to be able to open those packages on their own. Perhaps practice opening them at home so that students can become independent and eat quicker with practice. Students who purchase a lunch also need to learn how to open their milk cartons, and spork packages. We will have snack time Tuesday - Friday after specials. We only have about 10 minutes and this is a working snack so students should bring 1 item such as fruit, crackers, cheese, nutella and breadsticks, etc. I do not provide snacks for the class; students can purchase chips or other snacks from the cafeteria if you give permission and place money on their lunch account.
We have 1 bathroom in our classroom. Please remind your child to close the door, flush the toilet, and wash their hands when using the bathroom. Also, they should not wait until it is an emergency since there might be a line and students will need to wait their turn.
Please create a parent portal and/or complete the annual update if you have not done so already. Directions can be found below.
The principal has asked that you review the Dress Code with your student - Please remember that we have a student dress code in order to create a professional atmosphere for learning. Students should dress in a manner that takes into consideration the educational environment, safety, health and welfare of oneself and others. Please review the dress code with your student(s), which is in the Student Handbook. We appreciate your partnership in this effort.
PTSA is having their first restaurant night on August 16th at Chipotle! The first PTSA meeting is also on August 16th at 5 pm. They will be holding a meeting every other month and would like you to attend so your voice is heard. They sponsor many events for our school and purchase items for our classrooms. They have a website for the purchase of membership and school spirit shirts.
Western Peaks Elementary School PTSA
Follow us on Facebook!
Here is a look at what we will be learning this week:
Parts of a book: cover, title, illustrator and author roles, setting, characters, using picture clues
how to follow along using a finger to track words across a page from left to right
recognize numbers and quantities around them
investigate how our 5 senses can detect light, sound and vibrations even from far away
how do rules and laws help us learn and work together
routines and structure
How to work with friends in centers independently
ART is our special this week. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. I will do my best to respond as soon as I have a break. Thank you and have a wonderful evening!