All About Me

Hello! My name is Julie Spindler and I am from Northern California. I lived there most of my life, and that is where I met my husband, and we started a family. (My husband and I have been married over 35 years.)  We moved to Surprise, Arizona during the summer of 2004. Our 3 daughters graduated from Willow Canyon and Valley Vista High Schools. They are now adults, and we are so very proud of the young ladies they have become. We aquired a son whom we love very much too! Our pets include 1 dog, a cat, and a bird. 

I graduated from St. Mary's College of Moraga, CA; and National University. I have taught Kindergarten through 6th grade, self-contained Gifted and Talented Education, as well as preschool at Word of Life Christian School, and this is my 25th year as an educator. 

My interests and hobbies include being with my family and pets, camping, swimming, boating, gardening and enjoying time outdoors. Knitting and crocheting have are also things I enjoy doing in my down time.

Teaching is my passion!  I started volunteering in my daughters' classrooms when they started school, and never left! I love seeing kids discover new concepts and make connections with prior knowledge. I learn new things with students all the time, and share in their trials and successes. I look forward to working with you and your child this school year as a learning team.