From One Student to Another...

"The only place success come before work is in the dictionary." -Vince Lombardi

At the end of each year I ask my students to complete a survey, and one of the questions I ask is:

If you were to give incoming students advice about my class, what would you tell them and why?

Here are some of the responses I received from students:

    • "Read your book and write all the essays because they are a big part of your grade."
    • "Come in before and after school because most of your troubles will be fixed."
    • "Don't be afraid to ask questions about something."
    • "I would tell them not to wait for the last days of school to bring up their grades so they won't be like me."
    • "Do your work and use your time wisely because I didn't do those things and it was hard to raise my grade."
    • "Do ALL the work. Mrs. Roberts doesn't give a lot of homework, so if she does, do it. Also, listen to everything. It's for your own good!"
    • "I would tell them to really pay attention to everything you [Mrs. Roberts] say, and if they have any questions to come and talk to you."
    • "Do your work because if you don't you will fail."
    • "Do the work and have fun."
    • "I would tell the incoming sophomores to make sure they finish their books before the deadline so they won't have to rush to read the last 100 pages of their book on the last night."
    • "Pay attention the first time Mrs. Roberts explains anything. Then you won't have to come in before or after school."